Thursday July 30 The Washington Post --The Reliable Source by Ann Gerhart and Annie Groer THE DAY OF THE PUMPKINS (insert large adore promo pic) *Yesterday was "Smashing Pumpkins Day" in the District. So proclaimed D.C. Council member (and Democratic mayoral candidate) Harold Brazil. Why? Because the alt-rock trio, which played at Constitution Hall last night, is donating $123, 924--its proceeds from the concert--to the City Lights School at First and T streets NE, Brazil said. Founded in 1982, the alternative day treatment program serves 50 troubled youngsters, just the sort of facility the Pumpkins have been giving concert proceeds to during their current 13-city charity tour. Brazil got involved because he has a friend on the staff at City Lights and because he wants to be the "education mayor," he told The Source. It's certainly not because he's a PUmpkins groupie. Frankly, he'd barely heard of them. "I am not really so much a music fan," he said, listing Kenny G., James Brown and Luciano Pavarotti when pressed about his personal preferences. In that same confessional mode, Brazil wistfully noted that he could use the money for his campaign, "but I have to give it to the school."