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Line 22: Line 22:
! align="left" | Order of Bands
! align="left" | Order of Bands
| The Smashing Pumpkins
| The Smashing Pumpkins
! align="left" | Notes
| Final performance of Transformer.
! bgcolor="#ffe156" colspan="2" | Surfaced Recordings
! bgcolor="#ffe156" colspan="2" | Surfaced Recordings
Line 40: Line 37:
! align="left" | Length
! align="left" | Length
| ~150m
| 145m
! align="left" | Complete?
! align="left" | Complete?
Line 49: Line 46:
! align="left" | Official Bootleg
! align="left" | Official Bootleg
| [http://www.livesmashingpumpkins.com/live-music/0,3022/Smashing-Pumpkins-mp3-flac-download-11-24-2008-Midland-Theater-Kansas-City-MO.html LiveSmashingPumpkins.com]
| [http://www.livedownloads.com/live-music/0,3022/Smashing-Pumpkins-mp3-flac-download-11-24-2008-Midland-Theater-Kansas-City-MO.html livedownloads.com]
! bgcolor="#fff9de" colspan="2" align="left" | AUD #1
! align="left" | Source
! align="left" | Format
| Hi-MD
! align="left" | Equipment
| stereo mic>MZ-RH1
! align="left" | Length
| 141m
! align="left" | Complete?
| No
! align="left" | Lowest Circulating Generation
! align="left" | Live Music Archive
| [http://archive.org/details/SP2008-11-24.mp3 16-bit download]
! align="left" | Notes
| Missing Roctopus, Everybody Come Clap Your Hands cuts in.
! bgcolor="#ffe156" colspan="2" | Unsurfaced Recordings
! bgcolor="#ffe156" colspan="2" | Unsurfaced Recordings
Line 57: Line 80:
== Setlist ==
== Setlist ==
* Roctopus
* Roctopus
Line 76: Line 98:
* Again, Again, Again (The Crux)
* Again, Again, Again (The Crux)
* The Rose March
* The Rose March
* Today (abandoned)
* Today
* Today
* Bullet with Butterfly Wings
* Bullet with Butterfly Wings
* The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
* The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning
* Heavy Metal Machine
* Heavy Metal Machine (11:32)
** White Rabbit [Jefferson Airplane] (tease)
** White Rabbit [Jefferson Airplane] (tease)
** White Horse [Laid Back] (tease)
** White Horse [Laid Back] (tease)
** Glass' Theme
** Glass' Theme
* Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun [Pink Floyd]
* Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun [Pink Floyd] [21:09]
* We Only Come Out at Night
* We Only Come Out at Night
=== Notes ===
* Once Upon a Time, Again, Again, Again (The Crux), and The Rose March performed acoustic
* Final performance of Transformer

== Banter ==
== Banter ==
2008 Intro<br>
'''Roctopus''' (Jimmy solo)<br>
> '''Everybody Come Clap Your Hands'''<br>
> '''G.L.O.W.'''<br>
> '''Kill Your Parents'''<br>
> '''Siva'''<br>
'''Tonight, Tonight'''<br>
> '''Speed Kills'''<br>
BC: Thank you very much, thank you.  Thank you for coming tonight.  Yes, thank you.<br>
> '''Superchrist'''<br>
> '''United States / Star Spangled Banner'''<br>
BC: Thank you very much, thank you.  Alright, heh heh heh heh, ''(coughs twice)''.  I’m a little sicky, thanks.  ''(coughs three times)''  Happens to the best of us.  Alright, thank you, heh heh.  I like uh, we’re setting up for a little acoustic kind of moment over here, hope you enjoy it.  That’s about it.<br>
Jimmy: ''(off mic)'' Where is everybody?<br>
BC: ''(off mic)'' Does it matter?<br>
Jimmy: ''(off mic)'' Right?<br>
BC: Do we need anybody else?  Not really.  Just me and you, man.  ''(plays first two chords)''  All together now.<br>
'''Once Upon a Time''' (acoustic)<br>
> '''Again, Again, Again''' (acoustic)<br>
BC: Thank you very kindly, thank you.  ''(coughs)''  If I could just remove this gnome living in my chest here, then everything would be fine.  If I could just remove the gnome living in my chest, everything would be fine.  I just repeated that in case you wondered what I said the first time.  Like to take a moment to introduce the band.  From Oakland, Stephen Bradley.  From Los Angeles, Gabrial McNair.  From parts unknown, Amish country, Kristopher Pooley.  Livin’ him in his unheated, uh, no electricity shack with him, Mrs. Ginger Pooley.  Workin' the Irish, Ms. Lisa Harriton.  It’s the green.  Over to my left, Ms. Gingger Shankar.  Somebody’s smokin’ a - is somebody smokin’ a pipe, what the fuck is that?  I feel like I’m like - my first New Wave girlfriend, her dad smoked a pipe and it’s that same smell.<br>
Jeff: Aw yeah, I smell it, I smell it, yeah.<br>
BC: What is that?<br>
Jeff: It’s nice, it’s nice.<br>
BC: Who’s smokin’ a pipe?  It’s like Sherlock Holmes over here.<br>
Jeff: Yeah, it’s homey, homey.<br>
BC: Not the right kind of pipe.<br>
Jeff: No, no, I smelled that one earlier.  Someone out there’s got the other kind.  Hahahaha.<br>
BC: Did I introduce you yet?, heh heh.<br>
Jeff: No.<br>
BC: Hahahaha!<br>
Jeff: No.<br>
BC: Mr. Jeff Schroeder.  And over here, the man in the middle, Mr. Jimmy Chamberlin.  So yes, uh, one more, one more mellow song and then we’ll get back to the rock hits.  The ones that you read on the internet that we don’t play, those hits.  ''(coughing fit)''<br>
Jeff: Play 'em all tonight, all of 'em.<br>
BC: We’re gonna play all the hits tonight.  ''(more coughing)''  Makes me cough when I think of the hits.  Makes me - makes me think of all the fun I’ve had with the hits, heh.  You know, I’ve done a lot of growin’ up with those hits.  Heh heh.  Lot of good times.<br>
Jeff: What kinda hits are you talkin' about?<br>
BC: Well, in the beginning, Jeff, it was hits of acid, you see.<br>
Jeff: Ohhh, okay.  Okay.<br>
BC: And then we had MTV hits after the hits of acid.  And then we took some hits.<br>
Jeff: Took - past tense?<br>
BC: Took - blows, we took blows, and then we got on our knees and then we blew.  That’s right.  That’s the way it works in rock and roll, you’ve seen Behind the Music, heh heh.  First you do drugs and then later you end up on somebody’s couch...embarrassed.  Heh heh heh.  But uh, god bless you for comin’ tonight, we do appreciate it, thank you.  Alright, so this is a song called The Rose March, we hope you like this one.<br>
'''The Rose March''' (acoustic)<br>
BC: Thank you.  Yeah.  Relax, enjoy, go crazy.  You know, heh, some of these shows on our  20th anniversary tour have felt more like a funeral than a celebration.  Heh heh.  We wouldn’t have it any other way.  Now um, since I’m a little sick, I’m gonna beg, which I don’t usually do.  Um, yeah, little begging goes a long way.  Right, up there, little begging?  Now these next two songs, I believe you’ll be familiar with.  I’m sure you lost something to them, be it your virginity, your mind...your peace, a peace.  Yes, uh, you sitting people, now would be a good time to jump up on your feet in exaltation.  That’s right, you’re gonna wanna leap to your feet.  You’re laughing now but I’ll watch you leap to your feet in some sort of gorgeous moment, you watch.  Anyway, so I’d like to request that you sing along on these next two songs, help me out, ‘preciate it.  ''(guitar feedback)''  Yeah.<br>
'''Today''' (abandoned partway through 2nd line of verse 1)<br>
BC: Wait, stop.  Stop, Jimmy.  Come on.  For the amount of shit that I take for not playing hit songs, if you’re not gonna sing along to that one, I mean, we might as well just fuckin’ skip it, heh.  Where are we?  This is like the heart of the blues, I mean, this is the heart of rock and roll right here.  Okay...those of you who don’t know the lyrics to this song, the first four lines, not the whole song, raise your hand.  Okay, exactly my point.  Heh, please, okay.  I have an excuse not to remember them but you don’t.  Now, can we all just in one moment in my life get along...and sing this song together?  Is that too much to ask?  Okay?  You know, Mr. Blogger, Mr. Blogger later, “He made me feel bad about not singing his gay song,” you know.  Mr. Blogger, can you please come to the stage so I can crush your fingers beneath my size 13 feet?  Come on.  I’m just kidding...I’m just kidding, wink, wink.  Sarah Palin style.  That’s right, that’s right.  The most famous MILF in the world.  Married, intelligent, life force, MILF.  Okay, are we gonna sing this song together or not?  Jimmy’s not buyin' that, heh.  Should we just go to the next song, Jimmy?  Should we just go to the next hit?  I’m asking for a little somethin' here.  Just a little somethin', alright, try it one more time.  You won’t see this at a Phish concert, by the way.<br>
(BC immediately after lyrics finish: Thank you very much, thank you!)<br>
> '''Bullet with Butterfly Wings'''<br>
'''The Beginning is the End is the Beginning'''<br>
'''Heavy Metal Machine / White Rabbit / White Horse'''<br>
> '''Glass’ Theme'''<br>
> '''Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun'''<br>
(BC at beginning over drum transition: Yeaah.  Awesome.  Awesome, shattering.  Earth shattering.)<br>
[encore break]<br>
'''We Only Come Out at Night'''<br>
(BC over beginning of piano outro: Thank you very much, thank you!)<br>
== Photos & Memorabilia ==
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[[Image:5483-gigapixel-very compressed-scale-4 00x.jpg|250px|left]]

Latest revision as of 06:44, 16 February 2025

The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 2008-11-24
Venue Midland Theatre
Location Kansas City, MO, US
Venue Type Theater
Capacity 3573
Lineup Corgan, Chamberlin, Schroeder, Reyes, Harriton, Pooley, Shankar, Bradley, McNair
Order of Bands The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
SBD #1
Source SBD
Format FLAC
Equipment Unknown
Length 145m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation FLAC-M
Official Bootleg livedownloads.com
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format Hi-MD
Equipment stereo mic>MZ-RH1
Length 141m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation WAV-M>FLAC
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Notes Missing Roctopus, Everybody Come Clap Your Hands cuts in.
Unsurfaced Recordings



  • Roctopus
  • Everybody Come Clap Your Hands [The Searchers]
  • Tarantula
  • G.L.O.W.
  • Kill Your Parents
    • Siva
  • Eye
  • Mayonaise
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Speed Kills
  • Transformer
  • Superchrist
    • United States
    • Star Spangled Banner [Key] (tease)
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Again, Again, Again (The Crux)
  • The Rose March
  • Today (abandoned)
  • Today
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning
  • Heavy Metal Machine (11:32)
    • White Rabbit [Jefferson Airplane] (tease)
    • White Horse [Laid Back] (tease)
    • Glass' Theme
  • Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun [Pink Floyd] [21:09]


  • We Only Come Out at Night


  • Once Upon a Time, Again, Again, Again (The Crux), and The Rose March performed acoustic
  • Final performance of Transformer


2008 Intro
Roctopus (Jimmy solo)
> Everybody Come Clap Your Hands
> G.L.O.W.
> Kill Your Parents
> Siva
Tonight, Tonight
> Speed Kills
BC: Thank you very much, thank you. Thank you for coming tonight. Yes, thank you.
> Superchrist
> United States / Star Spangled Banner
BC: Thank you very much, thank you. Alright, heh heh heh heh, (coughs twice). I’m a little sicky, thanks. (coughs three times) Happens to the best of us. Alright, thank you, heh heh. I like uh, we’re setting up for a little acoustic kind of moment over here, hope you enjoy it. That’s about it.
Jimmy: (off mic) Where is everybody?
BC: (off mic) Does it matter?
Jimmy: (off mic) Right?
BC: Do we need anybody else? Not really. Just me and you, man. (plays first two chords) All together now.
Once Upon a Time (acoustic)
> Again, Again, Again (acoustic)
BC: Thank you very kindly, thank you. (coughs) If I could just remove this gnome living in my chest here, then everything would be fine. If I could just remove the gnome living in my chest, everything would be fine. I just repeated that in case you wondered what I said the first time. Like to take a moment to introduce the band. From Oakland, Stephen Bradley. From Los Angeles, Gabrial McNair. From parts unknown, Amish country, Kristopher Pooley. Livin’ him in his unheated, uh, no electricity shack with him, Mrs. Ginger Pooley. Workin' the Irish, Ms. Lisa Harriton. It’s the green. Over to my left, Ms. Gingger Shankar. Somebody’s smokin’ a - is somebody smokin’ a pipe, what the fuck is that? I feel like I’m like - my first New Wave girlfriend, her dad smoked a pipe and it’s that same smell.
Jeff: Aw yeah, I smell it, I smell it, yeah.
BC: What is that?
Jeff: It’s nice, it’s nice.
BC: Who’s smokin’ a pipe? It’s like Sherlock Holmes over here.
Jeff: Yeah, it’s homey, homey.
BC: Not the right kind of pipe.
Jeff: No, no, I smelled that one earlier. Someone out there’s got the other kind. Hahahaha.
BC: Did I introduce you yet?, heh heh.
Jeff: No.
BC: Hahahaha!
Jeff: No.
BC: Mr. Jeff Schroeder. And over here, the man in the middle, Mr. Jimmy Chamberlin. So yes, uh, one more, one more mellow song and then we’ll get back to the rock hits. The ones that you read on the internet that we don’t play, those hits. (coughing fit)
Jeff: Play 'em all tonight, all of 'em.
BC: We’re gonna play all the hits tonight. (more coughing) Makes me cough when I think of the hits. Makes me - makes me think of all the fun I’ve had with the hits, heh. You know, I’ve done a lot of growin’ up with those hits. Heh heh. Lot of good times.
Jeff: What kinda hits are you talkin' about?
BC: Well, in the beginning, Jeff, it was hits of acid, you see.
Jeff: Ohhh, okay. Okay.
BC: And then we had MTV hits after the hits of acid. And then we took some hits.
Jeff: Took - past tense?
BC: Took - blows, we took blows, and then we got on our knees and then we blew. That’s right. That’s the way it works in rock and roll, you’ve seen Behind the Music, heh heh. First you do drugs and then later you end up on somebody’s couch...embarrassed. Heh heh heh. But uh, god bless you for comin’ tonight, we do appreciate it, thank you. Alright, so this is a song called The Rose March, we hope you like this one.
The Rose March (acoustic)
BC: Thank you. Yeah. Relax, enjoy, go crazy. You know, heh, some of these shows on our 20th anniversary tour have felt more like a funeral than a celebration. Heh heh. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Now um, since I’m a little sick, I’m gonna beg, which I don’t usually do. Um, yeah, little begging goes a long way. Right, up there, little begging? Now these next two songs, I believe you’ll be familiar with. I’m sure you lost something to them, be it your virginity, your mind...your peace, a peace. Yes, uh, you sitting people, now would be a good time to jump up on your feet in exaltation. That’s right, you’re gonna wanna leap to your feet. You’re laughing now but I’ll watch you leap to your feet in some sort of gorgeous moment, you watch. Anyway, so I’d like to request that you sing along on these next two songs, help me out, ‘preciate it. (guitar feedback) Yeah.
Today (abandoned partway through 2nd line of verse 1)
BC: Wait, stop. Stop, Jimmy. Come on. For the amount of shit that I take for not playing hit songs, if you’re not gonna sing along to that one, I mean, we might as well just fuckin’ skip it, heh. Where are we? This is like the heart of the blues, I mean, this is the heart of rock and roll right here. Okay...those of you who don’t know the lyrics to this song, the first four lines, not the whole song, raise your hand. Okay, exactly my point. Heh, please, okay. I have an excuse not to remember them but you don’t. Now, can we all just in one moment in my life get along...and sing this song together? Is that too much to ask? Okay? You know, Mr. Blogger, Mr. Blogger later, “He made me feel bad about not singing his gay song,” you know. Mr. Blogger, can you please come to the stage so I can crush your fingers beneath my size 13 feet? Come on. I’m just kidding...I’m just kidding, wink, wink. Sarah Palin style. That’s right, that’s right. The most famous MILF in the world. Married, intelligent, life force, MILF. Okay, are we gonna sing this song together or not? Jimmy’s not buyin' that, heh. Should we just go to the next song, Jimmy? Should we just go to the next hit? I’m asking for a little somethin' here. Just a little somethin', alright, try it one more time. You won’t see this at a Phish concert, by the way.
(BC immediately after lyrics finish: Thank you very much, thank you!)
> Bullet with Butterfly Wings
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
Heavy Metal Machine / White Rabbit / White Horse
> Glass’ Theme
> Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
(BC at beginning over drum transition: Yeaah. Awesome. Awesome, shattering. Earth shattering.)
[encore break]
We Only Come Out at Night
(BC over beginning of piano outro: Thank you very much, thank you!)

Photos & Memorabilia