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(23 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 9: Line 9:
! align="left" | Location
! align="left" | Location
| Montreal, CA
| Montreal, QC, CA
! align="left" | Venue Type
! align="left" | Venue Type
| Unknown
| Club
! align="left" | Capacity
| 1200
! align="left" | Lineup
| Corgan, Iha, Chamberlin, Auf der Maur
! align="left" | Order of Bands
| The Smashing Pumpkins
! bgcolor="#ffe156" colspan="2" | Surfaced Recordings
! bgcolor="#ffe156" colspan="2" | Surfaced Recordings
Line 25: Line 34:
! align="left" | Equipment
! align="left" | Equipment
| SS-DSM-6S>PA-6LC3B(85)>M1
| SS-DSM-6S > PA-6LC3B(85) > M1(48k)
! align="left" | Length
! align="left" | Length
Line 34: Line 43:
! align="left" | Lowest Circulating Generation
! align="left" | Lowest Circulating Generation
| DAT(?)>CDR
| DDC-1 > FLAC
! align="left" | Live Music Archive
| [http://www.archive.org/details/tsp2000-03-11.dsm.flac16 16-bit download]
! align="left" | Notes
| Roughly 15 feet from right stack. The master DAT was transferred to PC by the taper, edited, and then copied back to DAT for trading. Two separate DDC-1 > FLAC transfers circulate
! bgcolor="#ffe156" colspan="2" | Unsurfaced Recordings
! bgcolor="#fff9de" colspan="2" align="left" | -
== Setlist ==
== Setlist ==
* Rock On [Essex]
* Rock On [Essex]
Line 46: Line 64:
* Blue Skies Bring Tears
* Blue Skies Bring Tears
* Glass and the Ghost Children
* Glass and the Ghost Children
* I Am One
* I Am One (with rant)
* Crush
* Crush
* Pale Scales
* Pale Scales
Line 58: Line 76:
Encore Two:
Encore Two:
* Bullet with Butterfly Wings
* Bullet with Butterfly Wings
** Once in a Lifetime [Talking Heads]
** Once in a Lifetime [Talking Heads] [7:25]
* Jumpin' Jack Flash [Rolling Stones] (tease)
** Communication Breakdown [Led Zeppelin] (tease)
Encore Three:
Encore Three:
* X.Y.U.
* Turning Japanese [The Vapors] (tease)
* Jumpin' Jack Flash [The Rolling Stones] (tease)
* X.Y.U. (with rant)
* We Love You
* We Love You
* Purple Haze [Hendrix] (tease)
=== Notes ===
* 1979 and Today performed acoustic

== Banter ==
== Banter ==
'''Rock On'''<br>
'''This Time'''<br>
'''I of the Mourning'''<br>
'''Blue Skies Bring Tears'''<br>
> '''Glass and the Ghost Children'''<br>
'''I Am One'''<br>
(BC midsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our concert.  We are the Smashing Pumpkins, thank you very much for coming to our show.  One more time, one more time, we cruise the earth, deliver one more dose of rock power to an ailing society.  When I wrote this song, I didn’t know the internet was going to fuck up our whole world but uh, now it has so here we are.  I know that didn’t make any sense but it does to me.  So let us reach inside your ears, let us peel back your eyes, let us tap upside your brain, let us make you feel something, anything at all.  Let us make you feel something, anything at all.  Feelings don’t come cheap these days.  Across the chicken wires, I reach higher and higher, I know I cannot die, ‘cause I’m always alive.  I, I, you, me, we, they, you, I, you, me, be way the lost I am was, haven’t been, couldn’t been, should’ve been with one as I am you, you are me and we are all together.  We are the machines...)<br>
BC: Thank you very much, thank you so much, thank you.  God bless you, thank you.  We’d like to um, play one more old song for you right about now.  This song is also from our first album, it’s called Crush.<br>
'''Pale Scales'''<br>
> '''The Everlasting Gaze'''<br>
> '''Heavy Metal Machine'''<br>
BC: Thank you.<br>
'''To Sheila'''<br>
'''Cherub Rock''' (abandoned after Billy starts introducing the band)<br>
BC: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce the band to you at this moment.  On the trapeze, the death defying trapeze, Mr. James Iha.  On the uh...heh heh heh, on the uh, death defying coleslaw, coleslaw, Miss Melissa Auf der Maur.  ...  On the uh, in the tiger cage, Mr. Jimmy Chamberlin.<br>
'''Cherub Rock'''<br>
BC: [unintelligible]<br>
[encore break]<br>
Iha: Merci.  Ça va?  Ça va bien d’accord.<br>
Melissa: Oh no?  [speaking French]<br>
Iha: Hell yeah, baby!<br>
BC: I don’t - I don’t know which, James, I don’t know what she was just saying but it sounded like we, like, drink more wine and eat more cheese.<br>
Iha: Oui.<br>
BC: It was something like that.<br>
Iha: Viva de Montreal.<br>
BC: Oh uh, fromage, uh, el, heh, [unintelligible].<br>
Iha: [unintelligible] beefsteak chapeau [unintelligible].  We will now enter in our small acoustic portion here, we hope you’re still rockin’ with us.  I just looked down at my set sheet and I see a fantastic song here.  I hope you like it.<br>
'''1979''' (acoustic, Jimmy plays guitar)<br>
BC: Thank you very much.<br>
'''Today''' (acoustic)<br>
Iha: Woo!<br>
[encore break]<br>
Iha: Hey, thanks a lot, you guys are rockin’.  [unintelligible sentence.]  My guitar tech, Valjean London.  [unintelligible]  He’s a good man.<br>
'''Bullet with Butterfly Wings'''<br>
> '''Once in a Lifetime'''<br>
BC: Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you.  Thank you, goodnight, thank you.<br>
> '''Communication Breakdown''' (tease)<br>
BC: Thank you.<br>
[encore break]<br>
Iha: ''(screamed)'' Do you want more?  Do you want...more?  ''(normal)'' Alright, thank you.<br>
'''Turning Japanese''' (tease - played during the X.Y.U. intro)<br>
> '''Jumpin’ Jack Flash''' (tease - played during the X.Y.U. intro)<br>
(BC: I was born in a crossfire hurricane.  I lay down with a spike right through my brain.  But it’s allll right now.  In fact it’s a gas.  But it’s allll right and Jumpin’ Jack Flash is a pain in the ass.  I went down...on a Chinese sailor.  I went round with a...homosexual tailor.  But it’s allll right now, in fact it’s a drag but it’s allll right now and Jumpin’ Jack Flash is a pain in the....  I went down....  Heh heh heh heh)<br>
> '''X.Y.U.'''<br>
(BC during end jam: I can’t even muster it up, buddy.  I just can’t.  I once knew a girl - hold on, I’m gonna tell a story [unintelligible].  ''(band plays quieter)''  There you go.  I once knew a girl...from Canada.  I did.  I once knew a girl from Canada and uh, she uh, ran away when she was 17 and she ran all the way to uh, America ‘cause she thought it was gonna be cool but of course, she didn’t know that America’s fucked up.  But um, she thought she was gonna run away from home to America and everything was gonna be better.  That’s the story, that’s it, there’s no more.  ''(band plays louder)''  No wait, there’s more, there’s - shhhh, there’s more to the story.  ''(band plays quieter)''  So I - I was walking down the street one day when I was probably about 22 or 23 and um, I was walking along.  Had long hair, you know.  I just [unintelligible].  And I saw this girl and she’s walking down the street and she looked a little hungry, you know, she looked a little lost and I said, “Hey little girl, what’s your name?” and she said “My name is Jolene and I’m from Canada.”  I said, “Nice to meet you, Jolene, where are you from in Canada?” and she said, “I cannot tell you, it is a secret, but I am from Canada.”  That’s it, there’s no more, sorry, that’s the end of the story.  ''(band plays louder and Billy solos)''  Wait, I remember now, wait wait wait wait, shhh, hold on, there’s more to the story.  ''(band plays quieter)''  Fun to tell the story, thank you.  So I was living with this really smelly hippie guy named Bob and I took Jolene from Canada back to my apartment ‘cause she didn’t have anywhere to stay.  And uh, no no, don’t get the wrong idea, don’t get the wrong idea.  Do not get the wrong idea.  Please, please, don’t get the wrong idea.  I brought her back to my house to make her some American food - Campbell’s soup, I don’t know if you’ve heard of this stuff up here, macaroni and cheese, Count, heh heh, Count Dracula cereal.<br>
Iha: Very nice, very nice.<br>
BC: That’s fine American food.  I don’t know if you get the exports up here but um, Jolene from Canada ate hungrily because she hadn’t eaten for days because she’d been running and customs was looking for her and she was very worried that she was going to be deported back somewhere in Canada.  I saw her ID and it said she was from Moosejaw but she would not confirm that.  So I had this cat whose name was Fred and even way back then, he was named after Fred, the lead singer of Limp Bizkit.<br>
Iha: Ugh.<br>
BC: That was the name of the cat: Fred from Limp Bizkit.  And as she was eating and kind of speaking very - I can’t tell the story, you guys are too fuckin’ loud.  It’s really hard to tell a story.  See?  See, I feel like we have some sort of connection going on this story but they don’t give a fuck about the story.<br>
Iha: So you say.<br>
BC: I don’t know why I’m up here.  See, they’ve already heard the story so it’s kind of pointless to them.  ''(band basically stops playing)''  So she was eating a bowl of Count Dracula and she stepped on the cat - Fred the cat - and the cat shrieked and I screamed “Don’t step on my pussy because this is fucked up.”  She said that uh, “What did you say?” and I said “Don’t step on the pussycat because it’s not cool” and she said “Well, in Canada, you know, we do whatever we want to cats, it doesn’t matter up there.”  That’s what she said, I don’t know, she’s from Canada.  She probably wasn’t from Canada but...Moosejaw, I don’t know if that’s part of Canada but um, I honestly don’t know.  ''(band starts playing)''  Haha, haha, no no no, heh heh.  ''(band stops)''  Alright, alright, alright, hold on, hold on.  I lied about the part about stepping on the pussy.  Actually, she raised her skirt and wanted to show me her tattoo.  Which was just like a pussy cat, it was right there.  And it was of a sailor drinking vodka and I asked what the sailor’s name, and ironically, the sailor’s name was Fred from Limp Bizkit.  ''(band plays quietly)''  Now ironically, ironically, Jolene from Canada was pregnant at the time with Fred Durst’s child.  This of course was before Limp Bizkit got to be a huge famous band and she was worried because she was afraid that Fred would not take care of the baby and of course rap rock had not yet kicked in and uh, the money was not really there yet.  No, I’m serious.  And then um, she went to my bedroom...hold on, hold on, this is the best part, I swear this is the best part.  ''(band stops)''  I swear this is the best part.  If this isn’t the best part, I’ll stop.  She went in the bedroom and she took off all her clothes and I said, I said, “What are you doing?  I barely know you.”  And she said, “This is what we do in Canada, we just, we take off all our clothes.  We, we, we are - unlike you Americans, we are free to express ourselves any way we want, relax, we don’t have these sort of hang ups, you know, like, you know, like if we’re, you know, we’re not worried about getting into hockey, we just get into it, you know, we just, we win Stanley Cups, we don’t fuck around, we take off our clothes and then we fuck your face off.”  Well of course, Michael Jordan was playing at that time for the Chicago Bulls and so, you know, hockey, basketball, yes, there’s someone with their clothes off.  Thank you, Jolene.  Ladies and gentlemen, come up here, Jolene.  Please come up here.  There she is!  She wants to show you, uh, the tattoo of her pussy.  Come up here, please.  Jolene, you’ve come such a long way, I haven’t seen you for such a long time.  You haven’t aged a bit.  For those of the people here that don’t know, can you tell them what Moosejaw is like?<br>
Girl: It’s cold.<br>
BC: Just play along please, just pretend you’re Jolene from Canada.  Um, now uh, tell them what happened next after you took your clothes off.<br>
Girl: We had sex.  And it was so good.<br>
''(band kicks back in)''<br>
BC: Ladies and gentlemen, Jolene from Canada.  Okay, I don’t know how we top that - that’s the end of the concert.  That’s the end of the concert.  Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, that’s the end of the concert.  We appreciate your love and [unintelligible].  We’re not quite sure why you did not take your clothes off but um, next time we’ll play another concert and maybe you will.)<br>
Iha: Excellent.  Thanks.  Excellent.  Thanks a lot, everybody.  ...  [unintelligible].  You tellin’ me a story but have you ever seen a lake of fire?  A lake of fire?  Ever burning fire where your soul’s gonna go after that story?  Demons ripping at your clothes, demons ripping at your shirt and taking off that [unintelligible word] guitar.  Demons are gonna burn for you, my friend...after that story.  Ow!  Are you ready for a revival?  Have you ever had a revival, Montreal?  I keep the devil in a shoebox in my closet.  Does that make any sense to you?  I bet it doesn’t.  It sure makes sense to him though, he wants to get out.  Size eight and a half ain’t big enough for him.  Don’t you laugh, theater, that story was a lake of fire.  Can I reiterate that?  That’s a lake of fire!  We oughta finish this rock concert rightly, right?  With a cleansing jam!  ''(screaming)'' A jam of all time!  Can I get a witness?  Come on, you fucking people, get out of your fucking theater, [unintelligible]!  Get on your tippy-toes!  Ak-akbar!<br>
'''We Love You'''<br>
Iha: ''(still screaming)'' Alright!  My tippy-toes!  A lake of fire!!!!!  Wow!!!<br>
BC: Alright, let’s put our hands together.  We send this song out to you...for being you.  We send this song out to us...for us.  We send this song out tonight for tonight, we’ve had a great time, we wanna thank you.<br>
we’re gonna get so high<br>
we’re gonna reach to the sky<br>
we’re gonna make your wonder why<br>
you can’t find a way across the river<br>
we’re gonna make you live<br>
we’re gonna make you deaf<br>
we’re gonna make you wonder whyyyyyyy<br>
BC: Now James, you blew it.  You blew it, you blew it, you blew it.<br>
Iha: ''(screamed)'' Lake of fire!  Ow!<br>
BC: Where’s your goddamn devil in a shoebox now?  Fucker.<br>
his name is james<br>
he comes from elk grove<br>
his name is james<br>
he’s the king of love<br>
we’re gonna get so high<br>
we’re gonna reach to the sky<br>
we’re gonna make you wonder why<br>
we’re gonna make you [unintelligible]<br>
BC: See, there is no way back, is there?  The door is closed and we’re knocking.  Hello?  Hello?  We want to come in.  Hello?  Let us in.<br>
we love you<br>
we love you<br>
we love you<br>
we love you<br>
we love you<br>
we love you<br>
we love you, heh heh heh<br>
we love you<br>
BC: I can’t do it anymore.  Stop, stop, stop, just stop please, stop.  Just stop.  ''(band stops playing)''  Stop.<br>
Iha: Ow!  God!<br>
BC: Why don’t you just tell everyone how you feel about this riff?  He does not like this riff, he thinks it’s for shit.  Go on, tell ‘em, it’s alright, I don’t mind.<br>
Iha: Ahhh!!  ''(Billy laughs)''  Hey, Val, Valjean, [unintelligible].  Ow!!  A lake of fire is burnin’ me up, now I go, can you help me Montreal?  Help me.  [unintelligible]  Ah yeah!  ''(band starts again)''  Yeah!  On your tippy-toes!  Get on your fucking tippy-toes, you motherfuckers!  Wow!!  Come on!!<br>
''(instrumental until end of song)''<br>
Iha: Thanks a lot.  Thanks a lot.  Thanks a lot.  Thanks.  Thanks Montreal.<br>
'''Purple Haze''' (tease)<br>
Iha: Yeah!  Go home, be safe.  I hope you enjoyed yourself, goodnight.<br>

Latest revision as of 08:06, 16 January 2025

The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 2000-03-11
Venue Spectrum
Location Montreal, QC, CA
Venue Type Club
Capacity 1200
Lineup Corgan, Iha, Chamberlin, Auf der Maur
Order of Bands The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format DAT
Equipment SS-DSM-6S > PA-6LC3B(85) > M1(48k)
Length 137m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation DDC-1 > FLAC
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Notes Roughly 15 feet from right stack. The master DAT was transferred to PC by the taper, edited, and then copied back to DAT for trading. Two separate DDC-1 > FLAC transfers circulate
Unsurfaced Recordings



  • Rock On [Essex]
  • Zero
  • This Time
  • I of the Mourning
  • Blue Skies Bring Tears
  • Glass and the Ghost Children
  • I Am One (with rant)
  • Crush
  • Pale Scales
  • The Everlasting Gaze
  • Heavy Metal Machine
  • To Sheila
  • Cherub Rock

Encore One:

  • 1979
  • Today

Encore Two:

  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
    • Once in a Lifetime [Talking Heads] [7:25]
    • Communication Breakdown [Led Zeppelin] (tease)

Encore Three:

  • Turning Japanese [The Vapors] (tease)
  • Jumpin' Jack Flash [The Rolling Stones] (tease)
  • X.Y.U. (with rant)
  • We Love You
  • Purple Haze [Hendrix] (tease)


  • 1979 and Today performed acoustic


Rock On
This Time
I of the Mourning
Blue Skies Bring Tears
> Glass and the Ghost Children
I Am One
(BC midsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our concert. We are the Smashing Pumpkins, thank you very much for coming to our show. One more time, one more time, we cruise the earth, deliver one more dose of rock power to an ailing society. When I wrote this song, I didn’t know the internet was going to fuck up our whole world but uh, now it has so here we are. I know that didn’t make any sense but it does to me. So let us reach inside your ears, let us peel back your eyes, let us tap upside your brain, let us make you feel something, anything at all. Let us make you feel something, anything at all. Feelings don’t come cheap these days. Across the chicken wires, I reach higher and higher, I know I cannot die, ‘cause I’m always alive. I, I, you, me, we, they, you, I, you, me, be way the lost I am was, haven’t been, couldn’t been, should’ve been with one as I am you, you are me and we are all together. We are the machines...)
BC: Thank you very much, thank you so much, thank you. God bless you, thank you. We’d like to um, play one more old song for you right about now. This song is also from our first album, it’s called Crush.
Pale Scales
> The Everlasting Gaze
> Heavy Metal Machine
BC: Thank you.
To Sheila
Cherub Rock (abandoned after Billy starts introducing the band)
BC: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce the band to you at this moment. On the trapeze, the death defying trapeze, Mr. James Iha. On the uh...heh heh heh, on the uh, death defying coleslaw, coleslaw, Miss Melissa Auf der Maur. ... On the uh, in the tiger cage, Mr. Jimmy Chamberlin.
Cherub Rock
BC: [unintelligible]
[encore break]
Iha: Merci. Ça va? Ça va bien d’accord.
Melissa: Oh no? [speaking French]
Iha: Hell yeah, baby!
BC: I don’t - I don’t know which, James, I don’t know what she was just saying but it sounded like we, like, drink more wine and eat more cheese.
Iha: Oui.
BC: It was something like that.
Iha: Viva de Montreal.
BC: Oh uh, fromage, uh, el, heh, [unintelligible].
Iha: [unintelligible] beefsteak chapeau [unintelligible]. We will now enter in our small acoustic portion here, we hope you’re still rockin’ with us. I just looked down at my set sheet and I see a fantastic song here. I hope you like it.
1979 (acoustic, Jimmy plays guitar)
BC: Thank you very much.
Today (acoustic)
Iha: Woo!
[encore break]
Iha: Hey, thanks a lot, you guys are rockin’. [unintelligible sentence.] My guitar tech, Valjean London. [unintelligible] He’s a good man.
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
> Once in a Lifetime
BC: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. Thank you, goodnight, thank you.
> Communication Breakdown (tease)
BC: Thank you.
[encore break]
Iha: (screamed) Do you want more? Do you want...more? (normal) Alright, thank you.
Turning Japanese (tease - played during the X.Y.U. intro)
> Jumpin’ Jack Flash (tease - played during the X.Y.U. intro)
(BC: I was born in a crossfire hurricane. I lay down with a spike right through my brain. But it’s allll right now. In fact it’s a gas. But it’s allll right and Jumpin’ Jack Flash is a pain in the ass. I went down...on a Chinese sailor. I went round with a...homosexual tailor. But it’s allll right now, in fact it’s a drag but it’s allll right now and Jumpin’ Jack Flash is a pain in the.... I went down.... Heh heh heh heh)
> X.Y.U.
(BC during end jam: I can’t even muster it up, buddy. I just can’t. I once knew a girl - hold on, I’m gonna tell a story [unintelligible]. (band plays quieter) There you go. I once knew a girl...from Canada. I did. I once knew a girl from Canada and uh, she uh, ran away when she was 17 and she ran all the way to uh, America ‘cause she thought it was gonna be cool but of course, she didn’t know that America’s fucked up. But um, she thought she was gonna run away from home to America and everything was gonna be better. That’s the story, that’s it, there’s no more. (band plays louder) No wait, there’s more, there’s - shhhh, there’s more to the story. (band plays quieter) So I - I was walking down the street one day when I was probably about 22 or 23 and um, I was walking along. Had long hair, you know. I just [unintelligible]. And I saw this girl and she’s walking down the street and she looked a little hungry, you know, she looked a little lost and I said, “Hey little girl, what’s your name?” and she said “My name is Jolene and I’m from Canada.” I said, “Nice to meet you, Jolene, where are you from in Canada?” and she said, “I cannot tell you, it is a secret, but I am from Canada.” That’s it, there’s no more, sorry, that’s the end of the story. (band plays louder and Billy solos) Wait, I remember now, wait wait wait wait, shhh, hold on, there’s more to the story. (band plays quieter) Fun to tell the story, thank you. So I was living with this really smelly hippie guy named Bob and I took Jolene from Canada back to my apartment ‘cause she didn’t have anywhere to stay. And uh, no no, don’t get the wrong idea, don’t get the wrong idea. Do not get the wrong idea. Please, please, don’t get the wrong idea. I brought her back to my house to make her some American food - Campbell’s soup, I don’t know if you’ve heard of this stuff up here, macaroni and cheese, Count, heh heh, Count Dracula cereal.
Iha: Very nice, very nice.
BC: That’s fine American food. I don’t know if you get the exports up here but um, Jolene from Canada ate hungrily because she hadn’t eaten for days because she’d been running and customs was looking for her and she was very worried that she was going to be deported back somewhere in Canada. I saw her ID and it said she was from Moosejaw but she would not confirm that. So I had this cat whose name was Fred and even way back then, he was named after Fred, the lead singer of Limp Bizkit.
Iha: Ugh.
BC: That was the name of the cat: Fred from Limp Bizkit. And as she was eating and kind of speaking very - I can’t tell the story, you guys are too fuckin’ loud. It’s really hard to tell a story. See? See, I feel like we have some sort of connection going on this story but they don’t give a fuck about the story.
Iha: So you say.
BC: I don’t know why I’m up here. See, they’ve already heard the story so it’s kind of pointless to them. (band basically stops playing) So she was eating a bowl of Count Dracula and she stepped on the cat - Fred the cat - and the cat shrieked and I screamed “Don’t step on my pussy because this is fucked up.” She said that uh, “What did you say?” and I said “Don’t step on the pussycat because it’s not cool” and she said “Well, in Canada, you know, we do whatever we want to cats, it doesn’t matter up there.” That’s what she said, I don’t know, she’s from Canada. She probably wasn’t from Canada but...Moosejaw, I don’t know if that’s part of Canada but um, I honestly don’t know. (band starts playing) Haha, haha, no no no, heh heh. (band stops) Alright, alright, alright, hold on, hold on. I lied about the part about stepping on the pussy. Actually, she raised her skirt and wanted to show me her tattoo. Which was just like a pussy cat, it was right there. And it was of a sailor drinking vodka and I asked what the sailor’s name, and ironically, the sailor’s name was Fred from Limp Bizkit. (band plays quietly) Now ironically, ironically, Jolene from Canada was pregnant at the time with Fred Durst’s child. This of course was before Limp Bizkit got to be a huge famous band and she was worried because she was afraid that Fred would not take care of the baby and of course rap rock had not yet kicked in and uh, the money was not really there yet. No, I’m serious. And then um, she went to my bedroom...hold on, hold on, this is the best part, I swear this is the best part. (band stops) I swear this is the best part. If this isn’t the best part, I’ll stop. She went in the bedroom and she took off all her clothes and I said, I said, “What are you doing? I barely know you.” And she said, “This is what we do in Canada, we just, we take off all our clothes. We, we, we are - unlike you Americans, we are free to express ourselves any way we want, relax, we don’t have these sort of hang ups, you know, like, you know, like if we’re, you know, we’re not worried about getting into hockey, we just get into it, you know, we just, we win Stanley Cups, we don’t fuck around, we take off our clothes and then we fuck your face off.” Well of course, Michael Jordan was playing at that time for the Chicago Bulls and so, you know, hockey, basketball, yes, there’s someone with their clothes off. Thank you, Jolene. Ladies and gentlemen, come up here, Jolene. Please come up here. There she is! She wants to show you, uh, the tattoo of her pussy. Come up here, please. Jolene, you’ve come such a long way, I haven’t seen you for such a long time. You haven’t aged a bit. For those of the people here that don’t know, can you tell them what Moosejaw is like?
Girl: It’s cold.
BC: Just play along please, just pretend you’re Jolene from Canada. Um, now uh, tell them what happened next after you took your clothes off.
Girl: We had sex. And it was so good.
(band kicks back in)
BC: Ladies and gentlemen, Jolene from Canada. Okay, I don’t know how we top that - that’s the end of the concert. That’s the end of the concert. Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, that’s the end of the concert. We appreciate your love and [unintelligible]. We’re not quite sure why you did not take your clothes off but um, next time we’ll play another concert and maybe you will.)
Iha: Excellent. Thanks. Excellent. Thanks a lot, everybody. ... [unintelligible]. You tellin’ me a story but have you ever seen a lake of fire? A lake of fire? Ever burning fire where your soul’s gonna go after that story? Demons ripping at your clothes, demons ripping at your shirt and taking off that [unintelligible word] guitar. Demons are gonna burn for you, my friend...after that story. Ow! Are you ready for a revival? Have you ever had a revival, Montreal? I keep the devil in a shoebox in my closet. Does that make any sense to you? I bet it doesn’t. It sure makes sense to him though, he wants to get out. Size eight and a half ain’t big enough for him. Don’t you laugh, theater, that story was a lake of fire. Can I reiterate that? That’s a lake of fire! We oughta finish this rock concert rightly, right? With a cleansing jam! (screaming) A jam of all time! Can I get a witness? Come on, you fucking people, get out of your fucking theater, [unintelligible]! Get on your tippy-toes! Ak-akbar!
We Love You
Iha: (still screaming) Alright! My tippy-toes! A lake of fire!!!!! Wow!!!
BC: Alright, let’s put our hands together. We send this song out to you...for being you. We send this song out to us...for us. We send this song out tonight for tonight, we’ve had a great time, we wanna thank you.

we’re gonna get so high
we’re gonna reach to the sky
we’re gonna make your wonder why
you can’t find a way across the river
we’re gonna make you live
we’re gonna make you deaf
we’re gonna make you wonder whyyyyyyy

BC: Now James, you blew it. You blew it, you blew it, you blew it.
Iha: (screamed) Lake of fire! Ow!
BC: Where’s your goddamn devil in a shoebox now? Fucker.

his name is james
he comes from elk grove
his name is james
he’s the king of love
we’re gonna get so high
we’re gonna reach to the sky
we’re gonna make you wonder why
we’re gonna make you [unintelligible]

BC: See, there is no way back, is there? The door is closed and we’re knocking. Hello? Hello? We want to come in. Hello? Let us in.

we love you
we love you
we love you
we love you
we love you
we love you
we love you, heh heh heh
we love you

BC: I can’t do it anymore. Stop, stop, stop, just stop please, stop. Just stop. (band stops playing) Stop.
Iha: Ow! God!
BC: Why don’t you just tell everyone how you feel about this riff? He does not like this riff, he thinks it’s for shit. Go on, tell ‘em, it’s alright, I don’t mind.
Iha: Ahhh!! (Billy laughs) Hey, Val, Valjean, [unintelligible]. Ow!! A lake of fire is burnin’ me up, now I go, can you help me Montreal? Help me. [unintelligible] Ah yeah! (band starts again) Yeah! On your tippy-toes! Get on your fucking tippy-toes, you motherfuckers! Wow!! Come on!!

(instrumental until end of song)

Iha: Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Thanks. Thanks Montreal.
Purple Haze (tease)
Iha: Yeah! Go home, be safe. I hope you enjoyed yourself, goodnight.