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==Photos and Memorabillia==
==Photos and Memorabillia==

Revision as of 15:03, 5 March 2006

The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1998-07-31
Venue Orpheum Theater
Location Boston, MA, US
Venue Type Theater
Capacity 2,800
Notes Billy played an acoustic for To Sheila and Behold! The Night Mare
Surfaced Recordings
FM #1
Source FM
Format DAT
Equipment FM>Sony PCM-R300
Length 103m
Complete? No, fades in/out between Appels + Oranjes and Bullet with Butterfly Wings [presumably commercial break or set change] and during encore break [presumably charity check presentation and crowd noise].
Lowest Circulating Generation DAT-M>CDR
Notes Most circulating copies originated from Dave Asselin's recording as transferred by Fares Halteh.
Unsurfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format DAT
Equipment CSBmod>M1
Length 107m
Complete? Unknown
AUD #2
Source AUD
Format MD
Equipment CSBmod>MS702
Length 110m
Complete? Unknown
AUD #3
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment Unknown
Length Unknown
Complete? Unknown



  • To Sheila
  • Behold! the Night Mare
  • Pug
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Ava Adore
  • Tear
  • Annie-Dog
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Perfect
  • Appels + Oranjes
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Shame
  • For Martha


  • 1979
  • Blank Page


To Sheila
Behold! the Night Mare
Once Upon a Time
Ava Adore
Thru the Eyes of Ruby
Corgan: Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, naked man, thank you. Later on, he's going to get naked

for charity, but em... heh. We'd like to thank you for sharing this special night with us, this special

charity concert. Take it all off, naked man, take it all off, for charity. we may have to donate some more

money to get you to take it all off, but uh...heh...
Iha: Might want to keep it on.
Corgan: It's very nice to be back here, in Boston. We appreciate you coming out. So, we'd like to dedicate

this song to all of you. This is Tonight, Tonight.
Tonight, Tonight
Appels + Oranjes Corgan: Thank you.
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
For Martha
Intermission... Corgan: One, two, three, four.
Blank Page
Corgan: God bless you, thank you.
Iha: Thanks a lot. Night.

Photos and Memorabillia