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* Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness
* Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
* Where Boys Fear to Tread
* Where Boys Fear to Tread
* Zero
* Zero

Revision as of 15:43, 12 January 2007

The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1996-10-29
Venue Freedom Hall
Location Louisville, KY, US
Venue Type Arena
Capacity 19,800
Notes The slow version of Disarm is played, but acoustically.
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment CSB>HSJ445
Length 126m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation ANA-1>CDR
Notes Floor, 10th row, left of center. Speed corrected versions run 126 minutes, non corrected ones 121.
Unsurfaced Recordings
AUD #2
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment Unknown
Length ~125m
Complete? Yes
AMT #1
Source AUD
Format VID
Equipment Unknown
Length ~30m
Complete? No



  • Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread
  • Zero
  • Cherub Rock
  • To Forgive
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Today
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  • Siva
  • Disarm
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Fuck You
  • Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
    • Rocket (tease)

Encore One:

  • In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida [Iron Butterfly] (tease)
    • Sunshine Of Your Love [Cream] (tease)
  • X.Y.U.

Encore Two:

  • 1979
  • Muzzle

Encore Three:

  • Silverfuck
    • X.Y.U. (tease)


Where Boys Fear To Tread
Cherub Rock
To Forgive
Tonight Tonight
Corgan: Thank you very much, good evening...thanks alot for coming...we appreciate you very much. That was the uh, that was the happy part of the show, now we get into the sad, the sad part.
Thru The Eyes Of Ruby

Iha: Woo! Yeah, hello, how is everybody? We would like to thank Garbage for a rockin' set, think you like to rock.
Corgan: Thank you. That was uh, from our first album, in case you didn't know.
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Fuck You
Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans/Rocket

(encore break)
Iha: Thanks...you guys are rockin'! And we give you the big Chicago evil hand, 'cause we are from Chicago...it's uh, very nice to be here in Kentucky, and uh, we hope you're all havin' a good time, y'all havin' a good time...
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida/Sunshine Of Your Love
Iha: Oh my god!
(encore break)
Iha: Alright, alright. And now ladies and gentlemen, as you keenly await, we have a special guest. Yes, all the way from Milwaukee, of the Frogs, Jimmy Frog! Jimmy Frog, alright, a round of applause for Jimmy Frog. And, on the keyboard, his brother, Dennis Frog, alright. Thank you, thanks. Alright guys, cut that keyboard crap out. Alright, and now...
Corgan: Jimmy? Jimmy, would you like to say hello to the people?
Iha: Jimmy is from France, remember.
Jimmy: Good evening Louisville! We had a good time at Churchill Downs today, really made out good.
Iha: What happened?
Jimmy: 50,000.
Iha: This man has the uh, golden touch, if uh, any of you tomorrow want to go to Churchill Downs with Jimmy, he'd be more than glad to bet more money, on anything you want. And of course, on the drums, our new drummer, Matt Cosmo Walker!
Corgan: Now is the uh...this has become part of a tradition, of our show. Some of you are pointing to yourselves, I see you've heard of this tradition. This is where we invite 2, 3, sometimes 4 people on stage to dance.
Iha: Now, now you gotta be funky though.
Corgan: Normally I don't choose, but this girl down here's gotta come up, you right there. Alright.
Iha: Now, who's next?
Corgan: Jimmy shall choose the rest of thee.
Iha: So lets go see where Jimmy Frog is.
Corgan: Who shall be the lucky boys and girls, who shall dance?
Iha: Alright, one more time, Matt, gimme gimme that rave, jungle-ass beat. Aw yeah, lets put up those hands one more time, we're feeling sexy, we're feeling sexy, we wanna dance with the Smashin' Pumpkins, know what I'm sayin'? Word, put up those hands, aw yeah, Jimmy, pick those dancers! Jump for joy people, the green man is comin' through to pick you! He will save your soul?
Corgan: I don't know James, that guys pretty good...that guy's pretty good.
Iha: Where? That guy?
Corgan: No this guy right there.
Iha: Where?
Corgan: That guy right there.
Iha: That guy?!
Corgan: This guy.
Iha: He looks uh...
Corgan: This guy.
Iha: Oh my--wait a, wait a minute. Come on up brother, come on up, you're outta control. Keep an eye on this motherfucker. Alright, I'm sorry about the cursing, I swear too much, I will call my mother afterwards and tell her "mom, I swore too much at the concert". Ok, subsequently--oh my god, you're outta control already.
Iha: Ok, so we have our uh, fine dancers on stage.
Corgan: Oh hello, ok this is uh, the time now where we get to know your dancers, tell us who you are and where you're from.
Fan #1: I'm Donna Snider from Cincinnati Ohio.
Iha: Cincinnati?
Corgan: Let me tell ya, I've been to Ohio, ain't alot going along.
Iha: O-hi-who?
Corgan: But aren't we in the Kentucy-ana area? Who are you and where are you from?
Fan #2: I'm Ariel and I'm from Covington, Cincinnati.
Corgan: Cincinnati? Another Ohioan?
Iha: We got some wringers here.
Corgan: Something's wrong with our selection process, I believe. Who are you and where are you from?
Fan #3: (unintellgible) from Louisville Kentucky.
Iha: Louisville, Louisville, Louisville, Louisville.
Corgan: This man right here...he's southern and he's proud, who are you and where are you from?
Fan #4: Alex (unintelligible) from Louisville Kentucky!
(fan moons the crowd at this point)
Iha: Oh my god, OH MY GOD!
Corgan: I believe, I believe up north that's what we call a good old boy.
Iha: Axin' and relaxin'
Corgan: Ok, you're up here to dance.
Iha: Two rules.
Corgan: We have two rules.
Iha: Two.
Corgan: Don't touch us, and don't touch our shit. Alright. 'Course you all symbolically will dance along.
Iha: We invite you to dance with us onstage in your mind, that's right, a college philosophy, you can do this.
Iha: We-we of Smashing Pumpkins have no liability in this. That was uh, quite a show you put on there. I was, I was shocked myself, um. I could only hope that the show can go on from this point and uh, we could be a little uh, frivolous, taking upon this damage that we have wrought. Let's have a nice round of applause for our outta control dancers.
Fan: Don't you think Billy should run for president? He's in the middle, he can play.
Billy: I think you should run for cover.
Iha: Getting back to the rock show, we'll uh, we'll just forget this incident, just wipe it clean from the slate, we'll just consider on rocking for you people, you fine people of Louisville. Now we're shocked, I don't know what to say about that.
Corgan: Thank you very much for a nice show, had a good time. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Iha: (unintelligible) thank you.
(encore break)

Corgan: Thanks everybody.