The Smashing Pumpkins | |
Date | 1996-04-24 |
Venue | Palatrussardi |
Location | Milan, IT |
Venue Type | Arena |
Venue Type | 9000 |
Lineup | Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, Chamberlin, Melvoin |
Order of Bands | Filter, The Smashing Pumpkins |
Surfaced Recordings | |
FM #1 | |
Source | FM |
Format | DAT |
Equipment | Unknown |
Length | 116m |
Complete? | No |
Lowest Circulating Generation | DAT-M>CDR |
Notes | Dropouts during Bodies and the start of Silverfuck. |
FM #2 | |
Source | FM |
Format | DAT |
Equipment | Unknown |
Length | 117m |
Complete? | No |
Lowest Circulating Generation | DDC-4>dEdit>FLAC |
Live Music Archive | 16-bit recording |
Notes | Silverfuck fades out halfway through, missing Farewell and Goodnight. DJs talk over beginnings and ends of songs. Diginoise in Muzzle, Cherub Rock, 1979, and X.Y.U., skip in Silverfuck. |
Unsurfaced Recordings | |
FM #3 | |
Source | FM |
Format | ANA |
Equipment | Unknown |
Length | 116m |
Complete? | No |
Notes | Silverfuck fades out halfway through, missing Farewell and Goodnight. DJs talk over beginnings and ends of songs. |
- Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
- Tonight, Tonight
- Zero
- Fuck You
- Today
- To Forgive
- Bullet with Butterfly Wings
- Thru the Eyes of Ruby
- By Starlight
- Disarm
- Jellybelly
- Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
- (surf improv)
- Muzzle
- Cherub Rock
Encore One:
- 1979
- X.Y.U.
Encore Two:
- Mayonaise
Encore Three:
- Bodies
- Silverfuck
- Farewell and Goodnight
[note: DJ's obscure large amounts of stage banter] MCIS
Tonight, Tonight
Fuck You
Corgan: Pronto! This song is for you, thank you so much for coming.
Iha: Thanks.
To Forgive
Corgan: Thank you all. Thank you very very much. Put on the lights for a second, would you?
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Thru the Eyes of Ruby
By Starlight
Corgan: Thanks so much. Um, does anyone understand english? Um, you know when our first record came out in 1991, Gish, our record company in Italy wouldn't even put it out, they didn't think that Italian people would care for the Smashing Pumpkins, so to be standing in front of you playing such a great concert, I can't thank you enough.
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
Iha: Thank you. That was a odyssey of the mind, unfortunately, at this time we'd like to thank our opening band Filter, thanks Filter, all the way from America...(unintelligible)
Corgan: We'd like to play you one of our favorite songs now, it's called Muzzle...(unintelligible)
Iha: Just had to get it out now.
Wretzky: No, I'm not ready.
Corgan: Let's all sing a song while D'arcy gets ready. unknown tease
Corgan: (unintelligible)
surf improv
Corgan: Are ready now?
Wretzky: Yeah, I think so.
Cherub Rock
Corgan: Thanks.
[encore break]
[encore break]
[encore break]
Farewell and Goodnight