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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 2000-02-19
Venue Cat's Cradle
Location Carrboro, NC, US
Venue Type Club
Capacity 615
Notes Acoustic show, due to Jimmy being injured. Melissa did not play, but Mike Garson does (start of second set) as well as James (second half of second set). Only performance of Once In A While, as well as one of very few acoustic versions of The Everlasting Gaze, the Crying Tree Of Mercury, and Heavy Metal Machine.
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format MD
Equipment CSBMod>MZ-R55
Length 125m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation MD(?)>CDR
Notes Cuts during improv. Insanely loud crowd between songs.
AUD #2
Source AUD
Format MD
Equipment CSB(LC)>MS-722
Length 123m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation MD(?)>CDR
Notes Cuts during improv. Insanely loud crowd between songs.
AUD #3a
Source AUD
Format MD
Equipment Audio Technica Mic>MT-15
Length 24m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation MD(?)>CDR
Notes Encore only, contains complete improv as well as 1979.
Unsurfaced Recordings
AUD #3
Source AUD
Format MD
Equipment Audio Technica Mic>MT-15
Length Unknown
Complete? Unknown


Set One:

  • Speed Kills
  • I of the Mourning
  • Rock On [Essex]
  • If There Is a God
  • Once in a While
  • Muzzle
  • The Crying Tree of Mercury
  • The Everlasting Gaze
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • To Sheila
    • Shame
    • Drown

Set Two:

  • Le Deux Machina
  • Today
  • Heavy Metal Machine
  • Once Upon a Time (false start)
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Try, Try, Try
  • Blue Skies Bring Tears
  • Be Strong Now
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Cherub Rock
  • Glass and the Ghost Children
    • Blissed and Gone (tease)


  • Disarm
  • Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (tease)
  • (improv)
  • 1979
  • Happy Birthday [Hill/Hill/Coleman]


Speed Kills
fan (over intro): we love you billy!
Corgan: i love you too!
(rest of song)
Corgan: so um...as i'm sure you all know um...as i'm sure you all know uh, jimmy couldn't play tonight...rather than uh, cancel the show...uh, i'm i decided to this instead...just warn you in advance...uh, the show is long...and, uh i put alot of songs in tonight that uh, some i haven't played for years...so to the extreme obsessive pumpkin fan...this is uh, this is uh, this is definitely your kind of show...to the casual, "I wanted to see the band rock", you're going to hate the show...(unintelligible)...so uh, you know...to those of you who are extremely dissapointed at this moment when you realize it's not what you thought it was gonna be...i'll offer you a refund right now if you wanna go cause uh i'm saying i want anyone to leave but, it's hard to compete with the talking, and whooping, and uh, i wanna do an amazing show...i can't fight the, i don't have a wah wah to kill you with, you know...so uh, so um, i'm gonna do my best and uh, i just ask for patience and uh...and a little bit of respect and then we're all good
I Of The Mourning
Corgan: yes? how can i help? no, i said i was gonna play alot of songs i didn't say i was gonna take requests...i'm not very good with being (unintelligible)
Rock On
If There Is A God
Once In A While

Corgan: my uh...my apologies to all the real piano players...you're not playing this....i'm not even sure i can play this one
fan: fart in a harmonica it would sound beautiful
Corgan: i'm sure it seems like it
(Drum Machine being tested)

Corgan: that's my drum song
fan: whadda ya gotta say to the sun times
Corgan: huh?
fan: whadda ya gotta say to the sun times
Corgan: what are you asking me?
fan: when you were in holland you said fuck the sun times
Corgan: that's a long time ago...i'm gonna hold me back...it's like a kinder, more eviler me
The Crying Tree Of Mercury
Corgan: thank you very much, i'm not too good with this passport (?)...i think i saw my future like uh...in a lounge...54 years old...like "aren't you that guy?"...no, no, smoking a cigarrete in one hand...yes, let's play this...one of our finest american jokes
The Everlasting Gaze
Bullet With Butterfly Wings

Corgan: thank you very much uh...the last time i did one of these uh, by myself deals...i think it was uh, christmas of 98...so, i have to tell you i'm completely terrified...and i'm very sorry that i seem nervous...(unintelligible)...thanks alot for the drugs, they're kicking in...i'd like to um, do one more piece for you, to end this first set
To Sheila/Shame/Drown
(set break)
Le Deux Machina
Heavy Metal Machine
Corgan: jimmy chamberlin on the dru-oh, sorry...hats off to our hero...newt gingrich...how's everybody doin'?...would anyone like to talk for a second i need to catch my breath so um
fan: please play rhinoceros!
Corgan: please play rhinoceros, huh? you're the, you're the same guy that's been yellin' that since '91...i thought i recognized your voice...uh, does anyone know that we played here once before...well the band, not me...'92 maybe? '91 ok....now do you know that there was a bomb threat that night...yes, the night that we played here at the cat's cradle there was a bomb threat...oh it was a different one?...ok, so it doesn't matter, this isn't the right story...well, then, alright i'll tell you the story anyway...so uh, so we were staying at the motel 9 or whatever and uh...and uh, we'd never had a bomb threat before, so we were kinda freaked out...and this is back when we were trying to beace peace-ey...jimmy was fine with, james was fine with it, i thought, if we're going to die then better on stage than not on stage...they're great ideas so uh, we said very kind of peace-ey like to d'arcy...alright if you don't wanna do the show we understand, you know, it's kinda gonna be hard to play if you can't concentrate and she said...alright i don't wanna do the show...and we all turned and said...what the fuck do you mean you don't wanna...and what ensued was probably one of the worst band arguments we ever had...there was lots of door slamming, we literally had to drage her on stage...and probably about the time we woulda been playing rhinoceros, just to rub salt in the wound i started, yup, it's a visu-audio moment, i started doing this thru the mic *makes bomb noises*...at which point she started to flip me off...now tonight the only threat of a bomb is this show...alright, back to the serious musings and uh...i need this one, you can keep that one, i need this one...it would help if you'd yell songs that i know...sorry, sorry...i will service each one of you personally after the show...no, uh...see it's hard to transition to the song about my dead mother, but i'm trying right now...this is one of-i don't, i dont but i haven't played this song alot, but it's one of my favorite songs so i wanted to play it...the song about my mother who's not alive
Once Upon A Time false start
Corgan: shit
Once Upon A Time
Try, Try, Try
Corgan: so um...i just uh, i just uh kindly ask your permission to take you to hell one more time...i'm giving you the option because uh, it is pretty dark down there...you want to go to hell?
Blue Skies Bring Tears
(james comes out)
Iha: well how you doin'? wow, wow, you guys are rockin'!
Corgan: i'm so happy to see you 'cause they know you're gonna rock them
Iha: in my own mellow acoustic way
Be Strong Now
Iha: thank you
Tonight, Tonight
Cherub Rock

Corgan: you guys up for a couple more songs? we're going back in evil territory so uh, lets go.
Glass And The Ghost Children
(encore break)
Iha: thank you
Corgan: how can you say...that it's art, it's art breakdown time...um, hold on! i'm in charge! (unintelligible)...thank you...so uh, you know usually like when we'd hit this point in a normal concert, which obviously this isn't um, we would do something you know, crazy, or try to do something to change the show or, something i don't know make up something...so um, obviously theres um, i can't play any louder and i don't know any other songs...which is not true...so i have a, i have a very novel idea ok...you'll have to follow me on this it's a little art breakdown and again, i'm not offering a refund this time but, ones of you who are frightened, you should leave now...this is where it gets very dicey...ok, now i have a couple questions...please answer them truthfully, truthfully...because, if you don't answer them truthfully, ok...i will humiliate you, and you know what i mean when you don't answer truthfully...'cause i know when you're lying...i know when you've been bad, and i know when you're lying now, please understand...i need someone who writes poetry (fans: me!) ok, you come on, come up up...ok, this is your microphone, please introduce yourself...whats your microphone whats your name honey?
fan: Jamie Henner
Corgan: ok, make sure you talk in the microphone so everyone can hear you...don't be nervous...everybody.....is not looking at you...you gotta pull the mic closer ok...there you go...ok, now where are you from?
Jamie: (unintelligible) Virginia
Corgan: is that a state, virginia, or some commonwealth or..?
Jamie: unfortunately it's a state
Corgan: ok, now...oh yeah, right...ok, now um...i need a sharpie ok...yeah thats a good idea actually...come on and sing...um hi, what's your name?
fan: austin
Corgan: austin, ok...because you play a lame instrument you do not get a microphone, please sit down...he wants to say happy birthday to his girlfriend jen...of course jen was backstage with us before the show...jamie and schlossen? austin!
(fan teases MCIS)
Corgan: now just so you know, we always tune to E flat , so we're a half step down so when i say E, it means E flat key...now again...please answer honestly someone who can play the guitar for real...(three or four unintelligible lines) ok, so austin, jeff, and jamie...this is where it gets really dicey though i've always wanted to do this, i believe this is the perfect night, you are the perfect audience for this (unintelligible)...now have a little bit of patience with us, a little bit of patience with us...we're going to now write a song doesn't mean it's gonna be a good song...but we get to write a song...so i forgive anyone who wants to leave now, this is very bad art but, something wonderful...so...ok now...so...(fan: [something about a horticulturist])...Corgan: a horticulturist? i'm not tryin' to grow weed brother, that's all up to you...tryin' to write some songs...again i still need some audience participation...so i'm gonna ask some people up here questions...ok, so...your job is to help provide the rhymes...your job is to supply alternate chord patterns...and you're helping supply the melody...you're scared, ok...now you can see what a dictator i am, you're in the band!...ok, so um...who wants to provide us with the subject?...ok, this guy right here...what is the subject?...(fan shouts something)...what'd you say, a blowjob? i'm not writing that!...(fans: placenta!)...i guess it'll be a short song we're playing...ok i'm gonna ask this nice young lady right here...i need a subject...(fan: life on the road)...hang on, i'm mad, i'm sorry...(fan: life on the road!)...Corgan: life on the road, jesus christ, gimme a (unintelligible)...no being in a rock band we've done that one too...ok, your friend is in the hospital and he's supposed to be here...ok why is he in the hospital? please don't say-you don't know why he's in the hospital, that's perfect!...what is his name? (fan: ashley!)...ashley, it's a guy...but he's posing as a woman...(unintelligible)...alright, i'm gonna ask my man over here what key would you like the song to be in?...(fan: E)...that's too easy, that's too easy...pick an interesting key...(fans: g-flat minor! e seven! g-flat minor! b major! g-flat minor!)...that was our tall (?) key...(fan: A thru G man, anything you wanna do)...alright, G...ashley, the cross dressing guy in the hospital...in G...ok no it's in F sharp...ok here we go, we're checking...alright now, using the kind of brian eno technique...what chord do you wanna hear next?...yes you...pick one that's easy...the (unintelligible) chord, why?...alright...C, ok...so a little bit standard for me, but we'll go for that...so we're gonna go uh, G, then G with the C7...(fan: B7 flat Nine!)...no, C7 is uh, you don't put your index finger down...ok, so here's our basic song...(strums)...or would you like to try something different? (strums)...alright, that's good...ok now we just need...now we just need uh one, on change to go to...(fans shout)...gimme another note honey? B? B or D? B ok, she says B...B minor, B minor...alright that will be our, our change...B, which is the equivalent...ok, now we turn to you, my poetress...what the fuck rhymes with ashley? (fan: i have do idea)...sassy? (fan: bashfully, bashfully)...bashfully? ok? gimme the first, gimme the first melody line...(guitar and piano play)...ok, bashfully ashley...(fans: flashed me!)...ok, this is where it gets really dicey...ok, you guys play the song and i'll just sing the melody...you need to supply some rhymes here so, i'll set you up for the rhymes...(fan: ok)...need a little silence for this one (plays)...i gotta bring it down for emotional effect...ok here we go...bashfully, ashley...stuck in the hospital, doesn't know
-recording cuts-