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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1996-05-11
Venue Point
Location Dublin, IE
Venue Type Theater
Capacity 8500
Lineup Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, Chamberlin, Melvoin
Order of Bands Filter, The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format DAT
Equipment SS-DSM-6>TCD-D7
Length 74m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation DDC-3>CDR
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Unsurfaced Recordings
WWW #1
Source WWW
Format ANA
Equipment Unknown
Length ~70m
Complete? Unknown



  • Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread
  • Zero
  • Fuck You
  • (speech)
  • To Forgive (false start)
  • To Forgive
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Today
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  • Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
  • (speech)
  • Disarm
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Cherub Rock


  • (speech)


  • Disarm performed acoustic
  • Bernadette O'Brien (aged 17), a fan, was killed at this show in the mosh pit. The band stopped several times to calm the crowd, and the show was eventually ended early.


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Where Boys Fear to Tread
Corgan: Alright, good evening, you crazy fuckers. It's good to be back here again. Just be careful with each other down there, okay? I don't want anybody to get hurt. We wish all go home to your parents and wives and cats and dogs.
Fuck You
Corgan: Hello? Hello? Listen, okay? You gotta listen to me, really, okay? There's a bunch of people down here that have fallen down or are getting crushed. You have to move back, please. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I know you don't want anybody to get hurt. Please move back. We gotta let these people up. Okay? Thank you, thank you. We're just gonna stop for a minute, okay? Let everybody who got hurt and everything... just chill out for a second.
Iha: Well, let's all be calm.
Corgan: Hey, just wait, just give it a minute, okay? We're gonna play forever, really. Just, let's take it easy.
Wretzy: This will be the longest concert you will ever be at.
Corgam: Okay, so let's just...
Wretzky: Take a deep breath.
Corgan: Let's just take it easy for a minute, let's make sure everybody who got injured gets up and out, okay? Please, okay?
Wretzky: Why are [unintelligible]
Corgan: I know you don't want anybody to get hurt, I know that's not why you're here. Just relax, just for a minute, okay? I promise we'll play a normal show, everything will be groovy, we just don't want anybody to get hurt.
Iha: And just don't beat us up. Think of a good book you've read while you're waiting, maybe that'll calm your... your mind. Think of a nice pool of water. You're drifting down the pool of water, and you're feeling groovy. Alright maybe not. Just chill out, and try to have a good time.
Corgan: Hey, take it easy, we still... we gotta still gotta lot of people got hurt, so... Just please wait a minute, okay? Just wait. Please, don't push, okay? Okay? There's a lot of people who fell down and were getting trampled and everything, we just gotta be cool. And please not try not to throw shit at us while we're talking to you. We'd appreciate that, too. So, how is everybody? Please, okay? Don't make the situation any worse by hitting us with stuff, okay? We really appreciate that part of the show, too. There's some people who really got hurt during that, I don't want anybody else to get hurt, so let's just take a minute.
Iha: Don't worry, we will rock in a minute. We're just waiting for everyone who hasn't been hit over the head to get... to be safe.
Wretzky: Do you think that you could take a minute and look around you, and make sure that your neighbors are okay?
Corgan: Yeah, please make sure that there's no-one else that's still down, okay?
Wretzky: Make sure you're not standing on anyone.
Corgan: Huh, yeah I guess not, uh...
Wretzky: Everybody's okay?
Iha: And if not, they're... you just trample them.
Corgan: Okay, is there anybody else that needs to come out yet? No, no, is there anybody else that needs to come out that got hurt?
Iha: I don't think they can answer.
Corgan: Just... just wait, it's cool. Don't worry, the concert will be totally fine, no problems... We'll play so long, you'll fuckin'... your ears are gonna bleed...
Wretzky: You'll be sick of us.
Corgan: Your brains are gonna come out your eyes.
Iha: And then you'll wish you'd never came here.
Corgan: You're gonna wish you never came to see this concert, so just relax! Take it easy. There's plenty of time to be unhappy.
Wretzky: Gooch, gooch, gooch.
Iha: Shall we play gooch?
Wretzky: [unintelligible] down there.
Iha: Shall we play?
Corgan: Time to play? Okay.
Iha: [unintelligible] says it’s okay to play.
Corgan: Okay, we’re gonna kick it with something mellow just to kinda ease back into the vibe.
To Forgive (false start)
Corgan: Whoops, sorry. My plectrum was trampled upon.
To Forgive
Tonight, Tonight
Wretzky: How is everybody? You’re okay? Everybody’s okay?
Corgan: Everybody’s just fine. Everybody’s having a great time.
Iha: No-one’s getting smashed.
Wretzy: Except those people leaving up there.
Corgan: Well, they came to see Filter.
Wretzky: Hey, we love Filter. I wanna thank Filter, Filter’s great.
Iha: They’re [unintelligible] guys.
Wretzky: I love Filter.
Iha: [unintelligible] guys from America
Corgan: They’re really good bowlers, too, that’s the amazing thing. You wouldn’t think it by looking at them.
Thru the Eyes of Ruby
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
Corgan: Okay, alright. Alright, you have to listen to me one more time, I know this is redundant, okay? We have a situation where it’s really dangerous up here. I don’t know what else to do about it but to ask you for a couple things, okay? Now, back in the old days, when we used to play, no-one used to jump around like this and act all crazy, okay? Now, you have to understand something, okay? Your friends, your neighbors, your schoolmates are getting hurt, I’m watching people come out of here who are like, nearly unconscious or close to unconscious. I in good conscience can not continue this concert and watch people keep coming out getting hurt, okay? So we have two choices: One choice is to stop the concert. I don’t wanna stop the concert, I know you don’t wanna stop the concert. Okay? The other choice is… is we will play, I swear to God we will play so long, you’ll wanna go home. We will play every fucking song we know. But what I ask of you, what I ask of you is you’re gonna have to behave and you’re gonna have to control yourself and what you’re gonna have to do is you’re gonna have to not mosh, you’re gonna have to not crowd surf. And I understand that for some of you, this is part of the reason that you’re here. But I’m telling you, you have to police yourselves, Okay? We’re all intelligent people, we all understand what I’m talking about, okay? So we’ll keep playing the show, but I guarantee you, if you continue to mosh, and you continue to crowd surf, and you continue to push, and I see more people come out, we’re just gonna have to stop the concert, okay? And I’m telling you because I care, and I’m telling you because we wanna play the concert, okay? So, if the idiot next to you starts jumping around and acting like a dick, you and your two friends are gonna have to tell him to stop, okay? It’s just that simple. I know this isn’t what you want for a concert, but it’s either that or it’s no concert, so those are our choices, okay? Okay. So I hope you understand, it’s not really the position I wanna be in, and that’s that. So I hope nobody got hurt, and I hope no-one else is gonna get hurt, okay? It’s important to us that no-one gets hurt.
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Iha: [unintelligible] Maybe just jump up and down in one place, and you won’t kill yourselves, that was good. You’re a very orderly, chaotic crowd. We know you mean well, but there’s like all these crazy bars out there, where you can like, crack your head open. Remember, it’s only a rock concert. And now back to [unintelligible]
Cherub Rock
Wretzky: Thank you.
[band leave stage, then return]
Corgan: Okay, you gotta listen to me one more time, okay? I know this is so redundant, okay? Okay, a lot of people got hurt, somebody may even died, okay? Okay, we’re totally freaked out, okay? We’re human beings, we cannot stand up here and continue to play, we’re totally freaked out, do you understand? We cannot continue the concert, we’re very sorry. If you like us, if you respect us, you’ll understand and just go home and we’ll figure it out later, okay? We’re very sorry, but you can’t…. it’s like to weird, it’s too crazy, and it’s too dangerous. We’re not gonna play any more songs, we’ll stand here and watch you leave, okay? But you’re not gonna hurt each other anymore, I’m not gonna stand here and watch it happen. You can throw shit at me, whatever, but I’m not gonna fuckin’… it’s too crazy. I’ll stand here and watch you go out the door and wave goodbye. But that’s it, the show is over, okay? Okay.
Wretzky: Listen! Listen! Don’t fucking boo, do you fucking understand? Do you understand what he said? There are fucking people backstage dying. Do you care? I see people up here with smiles on their faces. It’s not fucking funny.
Corgan: It’s just a stupid concert, okay? We’ll figure it out later.
Wretzky: The concert…
Corgan: We’ll come back back and play, whatever, okay?
Wretzky: The concert is not more important than people’s lives, you guys gotta chill, look at…
Corgan: We can’t tell you enough how sorry we are, we know you’re disappointed, we’re extremely disappointed, we went around the world and told everyone that the two Dublin shows that we played before were probably some of the best shows we ever had. We looked forward to coming here, and we were very excited about playing tonight and we’re sorry that it’s turned out the way that it has, okay? It’s not your fault, it’s not our fault, it’s circumstance. You have to understand. And if you love the people around you, and you respect us, you’ll understand and just peaceably go home, and that’s it. You can hate us, you can fucking whatever, I don’t care. But I’m not gonna watch you get hurt, that’s it.
Iha: We’re really sorry. We hope you rock for a while. But there… people seriously hurt, you gotta go. We can’t play music for people getting beat over the head. Sorry.
Corgan: Thanks, we love you, please understand.

Photos And Memorabilia