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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1996-09-06
Venue Civic Arena
Location Pittsburgh, PA, US
Venue Type Arena
Capacity 14,600
Lineup Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, Walker, Flemion
Order of Bands Grant Lee Buffalo, The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment Unknown
Length 127m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation ANA-? > CDR
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Notes Tape flip after Fuck You, tape stopped between encores. Two separate ANA-? > CDR transfers circulate. Some versions may run slow.
Unsurfaced Recordings
SBD #1
Source SBD
Format ADAT
Equipment Unknown
Length ~125m
Complete? Yes
Notes Vault copy.



  • Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread
  • Zero
  • Cherub Rock
  • To Forgive
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Today
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  • Disarm
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Fuck You
  • Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
  • Muzzle

Encore One:

  • In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida [Iron Butterfly] (tease)
  • Bury Me (tease)
    • Tristessa (tease)
    • Crush (tease)
    • Snail (tease)
    • Drown (tease)
    • Starla (tease)
    • Siva (tease)
  • Siva
  • In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida [Iron Butterfly] (tease)
  • X.Y.U.
    • Communication Breakdown [Led Zeppelin] (tease)

Encore Two:

  • 1979
  • Bodies
  • Silverfuck
    • Space Jam (tease)


  • Rescheduled from 1996-07-16
  • Disarm performed acoustic
  • 1979 with the Frogs


Where Boys Fear to Tread
Cherub Rock
To Forgive
Tonight, Tonight
Corgan: Hi. Thanks for having us back here in your city.
Iha: City of, city of steel. We understand, we're from the city of big shoulders, we respect the city of steel.
Corgan: Thanks very much for coming to our concert this evening. It's nice to see all of you.
Iha: What are you trying to play there?
Corgan: What now?
Iha: What are you trying to play there, what are you trying to play?
Corgan: This is a little riff I wrote in my bedroom one day, I was just sitting around...
Iha: Yes, yes.
Corgan: I was having a cup of cappucino.
Iha: You were talking with Dylan that day, weren't you.
Corgan: Yeah I talked to Dylan, and this little riff just came to me.
Thru the Eyes of Ruby
Corgan: Thank you. Now that we're an oldies band, we'd like to play you some oldies. That girl was at our first show, hi, how are you doing?
Iha: And by the way, some people are getting crushed up in the front, so move back a little bit.
Corgan: Yeah, as you people all can up here see, all these fuckers are crushed into like half the thing, so...
Iha: Try to be groovy, just love your sister and your brother.
Corgan: I'll tell you what, you all take a step back and we'll all go a step forward, that way we'll just all kinda...physics! Anyway, hope you're having a good time. I've had a lot of shit thrown at me, this is a new one, a hefty bag, I like this concept. I'm not really sure what this means, but I'm sure it's deep. This is a very complicated song, James are you ready?
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Fuck You
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
Corgan: Thanks a lot. Yeah, it's been a pleasure to psychedelically jam for you this evening. In our set we like to visit all of the nine planets, including that tenth one they just found. This is one of our favorite songs, and I'd like to dedicate this to you for being so fucking cool. You're our favorite kind of people, we love you, thank you. You know we used to be negative, but now we're positive!
Iha: Positively digusting.
Corgan: No I don't mean -- You're right, we positively hate everything.
Iha: We're sure of it.
Corgan: Are you ready?
Iha: Ready to rock and roll!
Corgan: Do they even use that word anymore?
Iha: What?
Corgan: Rock and roll...you can tell we're from the eighties.
[encore break]
Corgan: Who's that?
Iha: I don't know what that was.
Corgan: That guy, he obviously didn't know the rule that if you get up on our stage, we'll kick your ass.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida tease
Corgan: However, however, he will be getting a massage by a four hundred pound man, so...look, this guy's got a sign, 'play something old'
Iha: We are old, we're old already. What else do you want us to do?
Corgan: Check it out, we put out our -- ok wait, it's 1996, we put out our first record in 1991...
Iha: We haven't played anything old, though.
Corgan: Yeah but it's only five years.
Iha: Alright, well uh, let's go back to the sixties then.
Corgan: Just for you, just so you don't go on the fucking internet and tell everyone what a fucking asshole I am, we will play you a medley of old hits...ready?
Bury Me tease
Tristessa tease
Crush tease
Snail tease
Drown tease
Starla tease
Siva tease
Iha: alright, thank you, thank you. That was about seven really old songs in about a minute and a half.
Corgan: Now actually we were working on Siva, and Matt hasn't totally learned it yet, but I think with a little encouragement...
Iha: Everybody, come on Matt! Come on Matt! Say Matt! Matt Walker on the drums.
Corgan: We'll even go back to the old school, hindu-esque intro.
Corgan: Thank you. That was from that old album.
Iha: That's from our first rock and roll album, and uh, I know many of you don't own it, but it's a good one. Full of songs and stories and love and well, sadness. It all comes back to love, we're very sad, we're very sad to be here.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida tease
Corgan: Wait hold on a second, can you put the houselights on. See where the big hand is with the hole and everything? Is that where Van Damme came through the ceiling? That's where fuckin' Jean Claude Van Damme came through the ceiling and saved the city of Pittsburgh.
Iha: Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't wanna say anything tonight, I know you're excited, but Jean Claude Van Damme is right there! Yes! Yeah you motherfucker, I love your movies.
Corgan: This guy over here, he's masturbating to our comments.
Iha: What?
Corgan: He's masturbating, he's very upset, I don't understand. I don't know what his tshirt says, but...
Iha: Dude, whatever you're doing, I don't wanna see it tonight. So what was that all about?
Corgan: His shirt says 'I'd rather be masturbating'
Iha: Wow.
Corgan: I'm serious.
Iha: Well, you come to a psychopathic city and of course you get a psychopath.
Corgan: We're happy to represent the uh, we're happy to represent the disenfranchised, the unhappy, the masturbating. We take it as a privelege and a courtesy to represent you, and I hope this song means a lot to you.
Iha: Goes out to you!
Corgan: Or as we prefer, for you not to think of us while you're masturbating, only before and after.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida tease
Iha: Now I know this is very interesting to all of you, but let's rock, let's just rock.
Corgan: No wait. James didn't want me to bring this part up, but we all know how Mario Lemieux had to retire that year because he wasn't feeling so good? It was James Iha who talked him into coming back to the Penguins. So when they bring the Stanley Cup back to Pittsburgh, you can thank that man right there.
Iha: Let's go, let's go! 96, 97, come on!
X.Y.U. / Communication Breakdown tease
[encore break]
Iha: ...he was a circus performer before we met him, and he's been nice enough to accompany us on this song, so let's all dance.
Iha: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen Jimmy Frog, thank you very much. That was quite shocking, I was quite myself. And now we board the spaceship, wave goodbye to planet earth, life as we know it.
Corgan: Had everyone had a good time this evening?
Iha: People love rock music in Pittsburgh.
Corgan: We want you to have a good time, we appreciate you coming so much, I can't even tell you, thank you so much, we will now veer off into outer space.
Iha: Live long and prosper, live long and prosper. Just remember, there are life forms on other planets. Let's all get along, though. Let's get along together on earth and with those other life form, 'cause it's a hell of a night.
Corgan: I'd like to do a little dedication right now. I'd like to dedicate this song to a special someone who's in the building tonight, no it's not Jean Claude Van Damme, even though I know this person, this is not their favorite song.
Iha: In fact, they hate this song.
Corgan: I love you just the same, to you I dedicate this song. I dedicate this song to the person I love.
Iha: Wow. Could it be...
Corgan: Would it be wrong that I love you?
Iha: But not on stage, not on stage!
Corgan: Come back my love, come back my love. It's only right and natural. As you can see, since we won all those awards, we really don't care about form and function of the show anymore, we're just gonna ramble on.
Iha: We're sorry, we'll just be rock musicians.
Corgan: After all, we are in the controversial band the Smashing Pumpkins.
Iha: And you're from Pittsburgh!
Corgan: Oh yeah and also I'd lik to dedicate this song, we came here in 1991, and we met this girl, and Jimmy was really -- Jimmy, old Jimmy, the one who left the band, he was really mean to this girl and he made her cry, so this song goes out to her too. Sorry, just had to get that in. Alright, are you ready to rock?
Iha: No more talk, just rock.
Corgan: There'll be no more speaking, goodnight.
Silverfuck / Space Jam tease