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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1996-04-27
Venue Halles Tony Garnier
Location Lyon, FR
Venue Type Exhibition Hall
Capacity Unknown
Lineup Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, Chamberlin, Melvoin
Order of Bands Filter, The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format DAT
Equipment Marantz EM8 > TCD-D8
Length 120m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation DDC-1 > FLAC
Live Music Archive 16-bit recording
Notes Blip of diginoise in Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, skip in Silverfuck. DDC-2 > CDR transfer also circulates.
Unsurfaced Recordings
SBD #1
Source SBD
Format ADAT
Equipment Unknown
Length ~120m
Complete? Yes
Notes Vault copy.



  • Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
  • Zero
  • Fuck You
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • To Forgive
  • Today
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
    • By Starlight
  • Disarm
  • Jellybelly
  • Cherub Rock
  • Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
    • Rocket (tease)
  • Muzzle

Encore One:

  • 1979 (with Kerry Brown on drums, Jimmy on guitar)
  • (blues jam)
  • X.Y.U.
    • Paranoid [Black Sabbath] (tease)

Encore Two:

  • Bodies
  • Silverfuck [21:00]
    • Dose [Filter] (tease)
  • Farewell and Goodnight


  • Disarm performed acoustic
  • 1979 features Kerry Brown on drums and Jimmy on guitar
  • an unknown drummer [Kerry or Jonathon?] joins the band on Silverfuck


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
Fuck You
Corgan: Hi.
Tonight, Tonight
Wretzky: Merci. Bonsoir. Thank you very much for coming tonight.
To Forgive
Corgan; Thank you. Well, [coughs], my voice is not so good tonight.
Iha: [something in French]
Corgan: Je ne sais 'not so good'. Uh, we ask for your help on this next song. Please sing along.
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Corgan: Merci beaucoup.
Thru the Eyes of Ruby
By Starlight
Corgan: Thanks a lot.
Cherub Rock
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
Corgan: Thank you very much for coming to the concert tonight. Thank you so much for being so supportive. We can't thank you enough.
Corgan: Thanks.

Encore One:
Iha: Merci. Ca va? Ca va bien? On that note, Mr. Kerry Brown. Mr. Kerry Brown, on the drums. All the way from Michigan. Woah!
Corgan: And on the acoustic guitar, Mr. Jimmy Chamberlin.
Iha: Ahh! Blind Lemon Jimmy Chamberlin.
Wretzky: For those of you who don't know, he is our drummer. Usually.
(blues jam)
Corgan: Just playing a little Lenny Kravitz for you. This is song is gonna called Are You Gonna Go My..uh...Garbage Can. Uh, in case you didn't know, we've got the blues.

Encore Two:
Iha: Thank you! Merci. How are you? Okay?
Corgan: [mumbles nonsense]
Farewell and Goodnight
Iha: Good night. Bonsoir.
Iha and Corgan: [french noises]
Corgan: Thank you. God bless you.