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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1996-08-30
Venue McNichols Arena
Location Denver, CO, US
Venue Type Arena
Capacity 17,171
Lineup Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, Walker, Flemion
Order of Bands Grant Lee Buffalo, The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format DAT
Equipment CSB > TCD-D7
Length 43m (soundcheck)
109m (show)
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation DDC-? > ANA-1 > FLAC (soundcheck)
DDC-? > ANA-1 > CDR (show)
Live Music Archive 16-bit download (soundcheck)
16-bit download (show)
Notes Missing the first encore. DDC-? > ANA-2 > CDR and DDC-? > ANA-? > CDR transfers circulate of both the soundcheck and show.
Unsurfaced Recordings
SBD #1
Source SBD
Format ADAT
Equipment Unknown
Length ~125m
Complete? Yes
Notes Vault copy.



  • (jam)
  • (drum solo)
    • Zero (take one)
  • Zero (take two)
  • Mouths of Babes
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread (take one)
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread (take two)
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread (take three)
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread (take four)
  • Silverfuck (take one)
  • Silverfuck (take two)
    • Space Jam (tease)
  • Silverfuck (take three)
  • Silverfuck (take four)
    • Space Jam (tease)


  • Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread
  • Zero
  • Cherub Rock
  • To Forgive
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Today
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  • Thirty-three
  • (blues jam)
  • Disarm
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Fuck You
  • Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
    • Beautiful (unfinished)
  • Muzzle

Encore One:

  • 1979
  • X.Y.U.

Encore Two:

  • By Starlight
  • Silverfuck [18:29]
    • Dose [Filter] (tease)
    • Space Jam (tease)
  • Drown [6:32]
    • Hummer (tease)


  • Thirty-three, blues jam, and Disarm performed acoustic
  • 1979 with the Frogs
  • First Drown since 1994-09-05 (106 shows)


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Intro
> Where Boys Fear to Tread
Cherub Rock
To Forgive
“Thank you for participating” tape
> Tonight, Tonight
BC: Heil-lo out there.
Iha: Howdy!
BC: Hi, thanks for coming to the concert, we appreciate it very much. You know, I was thinking about this the other day and um - about sharing with you - um, I was in Philadelphia on the Fourth of July and I was walking down the street and this girl came up to me and she said, "You know that Tonight song?" and I said yeah and she said "Don't you think you're kind of ripping yourself off, I mean you had that song Today and then you have that song Tonight."
Iha: Wow, that's heavy.
BC: That’s heavy.
Iha: That’s heavy.
BC: And I said “Well, it's kind of a joke, if you don't get it, you don't get it, it's alright” and she goes "No no, but you're ripping yourself off" and I said "Well, it's a joke." She said "Well, I don't think it's funny." I said "I don't care if you think it's funny or not."
Iha: The name of our next single will be Morning. Good Morning.
BC: With a U.
D’arcy: And then, did you - did you tell her about Tonight Junior?
> Planet of the Apes clip
> Thru the Eyes of Ruby
BC: Thanks a lot.
Thirty-three (acoustic)
Iha: Thank you. How is everybody, okay? We're not boring you, are we? (Billy plays 5 chords quickly) Come on!
BC: Don't force us to play blues.
blues jam (acoustic - Billy plays a blues riff and Iha briefly joins in after talking over it)
(Iha: You know we're from Chicago. You know what I'm talkin’ about, the fuckin’ blues, and we are probably the worst blues guitar players bar none.)
Iha: Sorry, I'm sorry, we'll just continue on with the concert.
Disarm (acoustic)
Circus tape
> Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Fuck You
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans / Beautiful
BC: We decided to do another song here because uh, we're being so boring.
Iha: Well, that was psychedelic.
BC: Usually it’s uh, it’s us who complain about the audience but uh, tonight you should complain about us, thank you for being so great. We weren’t really gonna play this song tonight but um, it seems appropriate under the circumstances. (tuning guitar for a bit) Alright, we’re a little out of tune but nothing abnormal. So we - we send this out to you, thank you so much.
[encore break]
(recording skips this encore)
[encore break]
Iha: Oh my, thanks. Thanks a lot.
By Starlight
Silverfuck / Dose / Space Jam
> Hummer (tease)
BC: Thank you for being so wonderful, we appreciate it very much. We wish we could've played a better concert for you and we’re sorry for that but we tried our best. Thank you, goodnight.
Iha: Thanks, goodnight.

Photos & Memorabilia