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Billy Corgan
Date 2010-09-30
Venue Atout-Livre
Location Paris, FR
Venue Type Bookstore
Capacity 170
Lineup Corgan
Order of Bands Billy Corgan
Surfaced Recordings
Source AUD
Format VID
Equipment Unknown
Length ~45m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation VID-M>DVD
Notes Multiple cam mix.
Unsurfaced Recordings
AMT #1
Source AUD
Format VID
Equipment iPhone 4
Length ~45m
Complete? Yes
Notes Recorded on a stand from the sound mixer.



  • A Stitch in Time
  • Spangled
  • A Song for a Son
  • Freak
  • In the Arms of Sleep
  • To Sheila
  • Jesus Needs a Hit


  • Tonight, Tonight


  • Book presentation of "Chants Magnétiques" by Claire Fercak & Billy Corgan; musical reading and book signing
  • Acoustic
  • Only performance of Jesus Needs a Hit
  • First performance of In the Arms of Sleep since 1997-12-05 and the last until 2012-09-13
  • First performance of To Sheila since 2008-04-16


guitar improv during book reading (with Claire Fercak)

BC: [cuts in] Play a few songs.

A Stitch in Time

BC: Thank you.


BC: Thank you.

A Song for a Son

BC: [cuts in] ...called Freak. It’s about my...messed up country in America. Not that you know anything about America, but uh....


BC: See? You write a song about how messed up America is and then it becomes a hit in America, it’s perfect.

In the Arms of Sleep

BC: Thank you.

To Sheila (abandoned - guitar is out of tune)

BC: How you all doin’, you okay? Alright. (tuning guitar, which continues through rest of banter) I have no guitar tech.
Guy in crowd: Want a tuner?
BC: No, no. I’m very spoiled, I’m not used to having a tuner. If you’re out of tune, Claire, they start booing. Very fast. Okay, we try that.

To Sheila

BC: Thank you very much, thank you. Okay, so to mark this special occasion--it is a special occasion. Occasion speciale? Yeah. I just made that up, it was very good. Um, I’d like to play a new new new song that I just wrote a few days ago, so you’re the first people to hear this song. So when you go on the internet say, “The song suck, no good,” you’ll never hear it again. So you have a very big responsibility to like this song. The song is called Jesus Needs a Hit.

Jesus Needs a Hit (abandoned after 3rd line)

BC: Aw shit, I fucked it up already. Dammit! (to Fercak) Here, you play it. She’s very good.
Claire Fercak: [sentence in French]. It’s your job to play.
BC: It’s my job?
Fercak: Yes.
BC: Okay. I’ll try again.

Jesus Needs a Hit

BC: Merci beaucoup! Thank you so much, thank you.

(Billy gets off his stool and places his guitar in a case on the floor while the audience claps; Fercak does not move from her stool)

Fercak: [sentence in French].
BC: What? No speak Español. Is that the “one more” clap? Alright. (picks back up guitar) Okay, one more and then we sign books.

Tonight, Tonight

BC: Okay!

Photos & Memorabilia