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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 2010-04-17
Venue Space 15 Twenty
Location Los Angeles, CA, USA
Venue Type Record Store
Capacity 250
Lineup Corgan, Byrne, Brown, Schroeder, Tulin
Order of Bands Carina Round, The Smashing Pumpkins
Unsurfaced Recordings
AMT #1
Source AUD
Format MiniDV
Equipment Sony HDR-FX1
Length ~60m
Complete? No
Notes Handheld, front row. Missing 20 seconds due to a tape change.
AMT #2
Source AUD
Format AVCHD
Equipment Sony HDR-SR5
Length ~50m
Complete? No
Notes Monopod, just in front of the soundboard. Lots of heads in shot.
AMT #3
Source AUD
Format HDV
Equipment Unknown
Length ~60m
Complete? Yes
AMT #4
Source AUD
Format VID
Equipment Unknown
Length ~60m
Complete? Yes
Notes Standard definition. More video sources may exist.



  • Spangled
  • I've Been Waiting for You [Young]
  • Tallulah Lu
  • Ava Adore


  • A Stitch in Time
  • Stumbleine
  • A Song for a Son
  • Tristessa
  • Astral Planes
  • Today
  • Soot and Stars
  • G.L.O.W.
  • Widow Wake My Mind
  • Stand Inside Your Love
  • That's the Way (My Love Is)
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings


  • Tallulah Lu
  • Cold Gin [Kiss] (tease)
  • Ava Adore


  • Record Store Day 2010
  • A Stitch in Time, Stumbleine, and Tallulah Lu performed acoustic
  • Astral Planes, Cold Gin tease, and Ava Adore with Kerry Brown on congas and tambourine
  • Astral Planes with Carina Round on backing vocals
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings with Ginger Reyes on bass
  • First performance of Stumbleine since 1998-08-14
  • First performance of Tristessa since 1994-08-27
  • First performances of Soot and Stars and the last until 2012-07-26
  • First performance of Tallulah Lu
  • Last performance of G.L.O.W. until 2019-05-30
  • soundcheck is out of order


(assembled from multiple YouTube videos - please contact if you have a full source for the show that can fill in the gaps)

A Stitch in Time (Billy solo acoustic)
Stumbleine (Billy solo acoustic)
BC: Might as well introduce the band since we’re standing around. On bass today, Mr. Mark Tulin. Thank you, Mark. Bass in the Pumpkins is sort of like drummer in Spinal Tap.
Tulin: [unintelligible]
BC: Alright, well, you’re the first male.
Tulin: [unintelligible]
BC: On guitar, Mr. Jeff Schroeder. On drums, Mr. Mikey Byrne.
A Song for a Son
BC: [tape cuts in] Mr. Kerry Brown.
Astral Planes (with Kerry Brown on congas and tambourine & Carina Round on backing vocals)
BC: [tape cuts in] Gettin’ old.
Soot and Stars
Guy in crowd: Fuck Coachella!
BC: (to Jeff) I think the Gorillaz are bigger than the Smashing Pumpkins, that’s what I hear. It’s a Thom Yorke solo? Bigger than the Pumpkins.
Jeff: Gene told me that I couldn’t talk.
BC: What’s that?
Jeff: Gene told me I couldn’t talk.
BC: Gene Simmons?
Jeff: Yeah!
BC: No, he, heh, he confused you with Iha.
Jeff: I know, but he told me not to talk. He really did, I’m not making that up.
BC: It’s a true story.
Jeff: He really told me, he said, “I hope you don’t talk.”
BC: And then he asked Kerry what his cock size was.
Jeff: And then he asked me if I’ve seen Billy seen naked too.
Kerry: (off mic and offstage) If it has a name.
BC: Huh?
A few people in crowd: If it had a name.
BC: Oh, if your cock had a name, right. “Twitter” was his cock’s name. Heh, Mister, oh, it’s Mr. Twitter. Anyway.... (throwing picks into crowd)
Tulin: Picks for everyone, yeah?
BC: That’s it, that’s what it’s all about. Should I check my messages now or should I wait ‘til after the show?
Jeff: (off mic) After.
BC: Okay. That’s the problem with having a love interest in another country.
Jeff: Oh yeah.
BC: Yeah, get some of that time zone.... (gesturing)
Jeff: I wouldn’t know [unintelligible 2-3 words].
BC: You wouldn’t know? You didn’t meet anybody on tour?, (makes a blowjob gesture) heh heh.
Jeff: Hahahaha! No.
BC: Heh heh, haha, heh, alright, heh heh, here we go. This is one called....
Widow Wake My Mind
Stand Inside Your Love
That’s the Way
BC: [tape cuts in] (to Ginger) You havin’ a flashback yet or...? (to crowd) Alright, this is our last song, thank you very much for comin’. I’ll only tell you the special surprise if we get an encore, (shrugs), right? How’s that for...?
Bullet with Butterfly Wings (with Ginger Pooley on bass)
BC: Thank you very much, thank you Ginger. Thank you guys, awesome, thank you!
[encore break]
BC: This song requires silence, (points at ukulele), okay? Heh, I got a small instrument right here. I was in Hawaii recently and I met a great artist over there in Molokai, named Lono, who’s my friend, and he taught me some Hawaiian style stuff and so, I’ve been writing a few songs. This is serious, this is not one of my jokes, heh heh, I swear. And uh, Ginger just had a baby recently, whose name is Tallulah. Very proud of Ginger, the baby’s beautiful, and I have a friend in Chicago who just had a baby named Tallulah - not mine. And uh, so this song’s dedicated to both the babies, it’s called Baby.
Tallulah Lu (Billy solo ukulele)
BC: [tape cuts in] I found out that I do have a child. Like to bring him up, come on up. (an approx. 8-10 year old boy comes on stage with a wrestling mask on and stands on the drum riser) This is Jason. Stand up there, Jason, so they can see you. To protect his uh...to protect his privacy, I’ve asked him to wear a mask. This is the first time anybody in public knows that I have a son. Like to interview Jason now. (Jason comes off the drum riser and stands close behind Billy, who’s kind of startled as he turns around) Oh! My god, Jason, what are you doing? No, stand up there so everyone can see you. How you doin’, kid?
Jason: You’re the worst dad in the world!
BC: What do you mean? I love you, you’re my son.
Jason: You...! I played baseball today and you weren’t there the whole time! And I made a double play and you weren’t there to see it.
BC: But I watch your clips on YouTube, kid. You’re my son and I’m proud of you!
Jason: Maybe, maybe not.
BC: Thank you, Jason. (kid walks off stage) Jason Corgan, everybody. I obviously didn’t name him Jason, I hate that name. (Billy is trying to put the mic back on the stand and drops it) (off mic) Fuckin’ A, man.
Girl in crowd: Bodies!
Different girl in crowd: You need to play 7 Shades of Black.
BC: Like in past eras, requests are not asked for. (laughing off mic) That hasn’t changed. (to Jeff) You know like with the Rolling Stones did the thing where people....
Jeff: (pointing towards the back of the venue) Oh wait wait, lookit, lookit....
BC: (re what Jeff is pointing at) Doug Goodman! (he and Jeff laugh) Did the Dodgers win, Doug? What is their record? One and infinity, yes, I know.
Doug: (off mic from back of crowd) But they only lost by nine!
BC: (to Doug) If you - if you hadn’t been there, they would’ve lost by 11. (to Jeff) You know when the Rolling Stones had a thing like you could vote for what songs you wanted to hear.
Jeff: That’s right right right right.
Guy in crowd: Rolling Stones suck!
Jeff: We should do that.
BC: Stones are alright. No, can you imagine the songs that everyone would pick?
Jeff: Yeah, I could, wouldn’t be on any album.
BC: That’s right. We’d be playing Kiss songs.
Jeff: Heh! Hey, if that’s true, then let’s do it.
BC: Do it.
Cold Gin (tease - instrumental) (with Kerry Brown on congas)
BC: (to Jeff) I thought you were getting the vocal!
Tulin: (singing) Come on! Lookin’ out outta here.
Jeff: (gesturing at Tulin) But he doesn’t know [unintelligible], he doesn’t know that shit here.
BC: Mark doesn’t know the Kiss?
Jeff: No.
BC: Are you saying he’s old? Is that what you’re trying to say?
Tulin: No, it’s just he has taste.
Jeff: He was before them.
Tulin: He was what?!
Jeff: I mean, that’s when you know you..., right?, he was before them.
BC: Thank you very much, Mark, for doing this gig, appreciate it a lot.
Tulin: Thank you very much.
BC: Teachin’ ‘em the ropes of the alternative bass style.
Tulin: That you are.
BC: Not that far from psychedelic grunge, right?
Tulin: Not...nope.
BC: Anyway, thanks a lot everybody, it’s been a really fun time.... [tape cuts]
Ava Adore (with Kerry Brown on congas)
BC: We're trying to figure out a tour. Until then, heroin and fireworks.

Photos & Memorabilia