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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 2010-08-26
Venue Auditorio Nacional
Location Mexico City, MX
Venue Type Concert Hall
Capacity ~10,000
Lineup Corgan, Schroeder, Byrne, Fiorentino
Order of Bands Zoe, 30 Seconds to Mars, The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
PRO #1a
Source dTV
Format DVB-T
Equipment AKAI AKTV1901 PVR receiver
Length 42m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation DVB-M>MPG
Notes Today, Ava Adore, A Song for a Son, Eye, That's the Way (My Love Is), Tonight, Tonight, Stand Inside Your Love, Disarm, and Zero.
PRO #1b
Source dTV
Format DVB
Equipment DVB-S
Length 42m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation DVB-M>DVD
Notes Today, Ava Adore, A Song for a Son, Eye, That's the Way (My Love Is), Tonight, Tonight, Stand Inside Your Love, Disarm, and Zero. Circulates synced with TV #1.
TV #1
Source TV
Format WAV
Equipment Kathrein UDF 420>Digidesign Digi003(32bit/96k)
Length 42m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation WAV-M>FLAC
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Notes Today, Ava Adore, A Song for a Son, Eye, That's the Way (My Love Is), Tonight, Tonight, Stand Inside Your Love, Disarm, and Zero.
Unsurfaced Recordings
PRO #1
Source PRO
Format VID
Equipment Pro Cams
Length ~90m
Complete? Yes



  • Today
  • Astral Planes
  • Ava Adore
  • A Song for a Son
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Eye
  • United States
    • Star Spangled Banner [Key] (tease)
    • Moby Dick [Led Zeppelin] (tease)
  • My Love Is Winter
  • Perfect (one verse in Spanish)
  • Cherub Rock
  • That's the Way (My Love Is)
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Stand Inside Your Love
  • Tarantula


  • Disarm (abandoned)
  • Zero


  • Disarm was interrupted by several luchadores who proceeded to wrestle with Billy


(some banter may be missing due to lack of complete source for show)

> Astral Planes
> Ava Adore
BC: Thank you!
A Song for a Son
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
United States / Star Spangled Banner / Moby Dick
My Love Is Winter
(BC starts the second verse in Spanish, then mid-line 2: Wait, that’s just not the way it goes.)
BC: (sings second verse acapella). (speaking) [unintelligible] two times!
Cherub Rock
> That’s the Way
Tonight, Tonight
Stand Inside Your Love
[encore break]
BC: Thank you so much, thank you! Like to play a song from the Siamese Dream album. You know that album? Okay, a song called Disarm.
Disarm (Billy solo acoustic) (abandoned after “cut that little child” as 3 wrestlers walk on stage)
Alex Koslov: Corta la musica! Hey, corta la musica! No aguanto, no aguanto escuchar esta basura! Y no entiendo cómo todos ustedes en el Auditorio Nacional, puedo escucha esta basura! Tiene escuchar más? Tiene escuchar más o Smashing Pumpkins? Con-cione no mas, el concierto cerca bore!
BC: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. First off, I don’t know who the fuck you are! Who the fuck are you?! (Billy takes his guitar off)
Koslov: Hey, hey hey hey, listen to me, tough guy. Hey!
BC: Second of all, I don’t speak Español, motherfucker, what the fuck are you saying?! (Billy walks over to Koslov and gets in his face)
Koslov: Listen to me, tough guy, you wanna be a tough guy? I’m gonna show you what’s up. This concert, this music is trash! You understand?
(Koslov shoves Billy, who slaps him in return. Wrestler #2 kicks Billy in the gut and knees him in the face while he’s doubled over, then flips him over his shoulder and carries him offstage. More wrestlers then come onstage and chase the initial three off. Billy and the "good" wrestlers bow before all wrestlers leave stage.)
BC: Mexico City!

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