The Smashing Pumpkins | |
Date | 2010-09-01 |
Venue | Rialto Theater |
Location | Tucson, AZ, US |
Venue Type | Theater |
Capacity | 1800 |
Lineup | Corgan, Schroeder, Byrne, Fiorentino |
Order of Bands | The Smashing Pumpkins |
Unsurfaced Recordings | |
- |
- Tristessa
- Astral Planes
- Ava Adore
- Drown
- As Rome Burns
- A Song for a Son
- Today
- Eye
- Bullet with Butterfly Wings
- God of Thunder [Kiss]
- United States
- Star Spangled Banner [Key] (tease)
- Moby Dick [Led Zeppelin] (tease)
- A Stitch in Time
- 1979
- Cherub Rock
- That's the Way (My Love Is)
- Tonight, Tonight
- Stand Inside Your Love
- Tarantula
- Disarm
- Freak
- God of Thunder [Kiss] (tease)
- Zero
- God of Thunder [Kiss] (tease)
- Detroit Rock City [Kiss] (tease)
- First performance of God of Thunder
- First performance of Drown since 2008-04-14
- God of Thunder played due to venue losing power
A Stitch in Time Synth Intro
> Astral Planes
> Ava Adore
> As Rome Burns
A Song for a Son
BC: Thank you so much, thank you! Thank you very much, nice to be with you, thank you. ... I don't know what me numbers are. ... How's everybody feelin', you alright? You can stop holding that sign now, I've seen it like 40 times now. Okay. Like to play a song now that came out around the Adore era. Were you Smashing Pumpkins fans?
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
BC: (mic not working properly) [unintelligible word], hello? (high pitched) Can you hear me? (normal) Can you hear me? [unintelligible]. Can you hear me over there? What? (gesturing towards crowd) There was a mosh pit. Have we lost it?
Jeff: [unintelligible].
BC: Alright. (taps mic), woo, (taps mic), woo woo, (taps mic). Is this in now? No, it still isn't on. [unintelligible] in the building. Uno mas. [more unintelligible, possible response from Jeff]. Is it on? (Billy and Jeff soundcheck their guitars) Wooooo. Can you hear me? Yes. Can you hear me? [unintelligible word], yes, no?
Jeff: [unintelligible but something like "Let's play God of Thunder."]
BC: (to Nicole) Pretty exciting, right?
Jeff: [unintelligible].
BC: Jeff, [unintelligible].
Jeff: I'm pretty excited.
BC: [unintelligible].
God of Thunder
BC about 40 seconds in: Shit's good.
(Billy takes off his guitar and walks around, working the crowd while the band jams. He leans against the side of the stage and watches for a bit. The band's amps come back on, so Billy sings verse 1 and chorus, then puts his guitar back on and plays for 15 seconds or so and sings a variation on verse 1 and another chorus.)
BC: Take it, Ace!
(Jeff solos, then song ends and Jeff starts the riff again)
BC: Ladies and gentlemen, we are the gods of thunder. (instrumental break) Chorus!
(Billy sings another chorus, then song transitions to...)
> United States / Star Spangled Banner / Moby Dick
BC: [cuts in] Yeah. Want some more? We could just end the show right there, Nic, it'd just be over right there. You rockin' the bass? [Nicole is still wearing her bass, even though she doesn't use it on the next song.]
Nicole: [unintelligible].
BC: Thank you so much for comin' tonight, thank you, really appreciate it. It's awesome that you're here with us, we've really...you know, you never know. You never know, so I appreciate you being here with me. I might just go back to writin' poetry and just give this up, you know? 'Cause that poetry thing, that worked out, heh heh heh. Anyway. I love you too, thank you for saying that. She's saying she loves me, but...you just know the commitment's not there.
Nicole: [unintelligible].
BC: She'd want me to live with her in her mom's trailer and it just wouldn't work out.
Nicole: [unintelligible].
BC: Well yeah, new trailer though.
Nicole: [1-2 unintelligible words].
BC: Those two bedroom deals. I'm just stalling for time to catch my breath, 'cause I'm old. I'm turning 60 this year, Nic. 60.
Nicole: I'm fooled, [unintelligible].
BC: Hard to believe, huh? Yeah. I was born in uh, heh...1950. (stoner voice) Yeah, 1969! (normal) This is a song, uh, one of the new songs from the Teargarden album. You can go to Smashing Pumpkins dot com and download this song for free. Yes, you can, no strings attached, don't have to do anything. Then you can listen to this song and then you can join a Smashing Pumpkins fan website and you can complain about it. That's the way it works in my world. Okay, on with the show, this is a song called Stitch in Time.
A Stitch in Time (Billy acoustic w/Nicole backing vocals)
BC: Thank you so much for listening to that, thank you! [cut] (crowd booing) He's your senator. Haha, ahahaha! I thought this was a Republican state! (crowd booing) Well, since we're all Americans together.... It's kinda like being on the Titanic, isn't it, just watching the whole thing go down in flames? (while gesturing downwards) Wooo. No Leonardo DiCaprio to save your ass this time...although, maybe he'd run for president. Here's a question. If you had to one pick one person to sleep with [sic], Sarah Palin or Leonardo DiCaprio? (crowd roars)
Nicole: [unintelligible because her mic isn't on].
BC: Wait wait, I don't think the audience can hear you. John? This lady'd like to speak.
Jeff: Turn that shhh....
Nicole: I was asking if I could do 'em both at once.
BC: You'd do 'em both at once?
Nicole: I don't wanna choose.
BC: This woman's all about America!
Cherub Rock
That's the Way
Tonight, Tonight
Stand Inside Your Love
[encore break]
God of Thunder (partial - 2 verses, chorus, verse 3, chorus)
(BC after chorus 1: Put your hands together. Peter Criss on the drums! Come on, Cat Man.)
(BC after instrumental break after chorus 2, as the song is breaking down: I thought we'd rehearse this. Boo, boo, (band stops), boo.)
> God of Thunder (tease - instrumental)
> Detroit Rock City (tease - Jeff plays the intro riff for a few seconds)
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