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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 2010-09-17
Venue In the Venue
Location Salt Lake City, UT, US
Venue Type Club
Capacity 1000
Lineup Corgan, Schroeder, Byrne, Fiorentino
Order of Bands Bad City, The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format WAV
Equipment built-in>Zoom H4n(24/48)
Length 119m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation WAV-M>FLAC
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Notes Directly under right stacks.
AMT #1
Source AUD
Format MP4
Equipment Unknown
Length 110m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation Master > Youtube
Youtube Youtube
Unsurfaced Recordings



  • Tom Tom (take one)
  • Tom Tom (take two)
  • Tom Tom (take three)
  • The Fellowship (take one)
  • The Fellowship (take two)
  • The Fellowship (take three)
  • (unknown: "Loneliest Day") (possibly Lonely Is the Name)
  • Spangled
  • Owata (take one)
  • Owata (take two)
  • I Love Rock 'n' Roll [The Arrows] (tease)
  • Zero


  • Astral Planes
  • Ava Adore
  • Drown
  • As Rome Burns
  • A Song for a Son
  • Today
  • Eye
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • United States
    • Star Spangled Banner [Key] (tease)
    • Moby Dick [Led Zeppelin] (tease)
  • Country Death Song [Violent Femmes] (tease)
  • Spangled
  • Tom Tom
  • Stand Inside Your Love
  • Tarantula
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Cherub Rock


  • Freak
  • Gossamer (19:29)


A Stitch in Time Synth Intro
Astral Planes
> Ava Adore
> As Rome Burns
BC: Thank you!
A Song for a Son
> Bullet with Butterfly Wings
United States / Star Spangled Banner / Moby Dick
BC: Thank you very much. Thank you very much for being here tonight. We are the Smashing Pumpkins. Like to uh, introduce on the bass over here, Nicole Fiorentino. I’m gonna drink to you right now. To you. On the drums, Mikey Byrne. On the guitar, Jeff Schroeder. Like to play a new song for you now, song just came out, called Spangled. You never heard of it, huh? What you need over there, huh? You need something over there? Why they got you in a cage over there, huh? What’d you do wrong? You guys didn’t go on mission, did you? That’s why you’re in the cage.
Jeff: Oh no, oh no.
BC: I can pull out the jokes any time, any religion, anywhere. Hey uh, it’s nice to see so many young faces in the crowd. Who’s seeing the band for the first time? Very nice, very nice. Here’s to fi - here’s, oh, hold on, shhht! Who’s here from the old school? Oh, very good. Yeah, you - you’re lookin’ pretty young for old school though, heh. See...okay, you were ten. Oh, look at this young man. How you doin’? What’d you do wrong that you got grounded and they made you come here? You did something wrong. Yeah. Now I’m drinkin’ to you. You know what I’m drinking in here, Jeff?
Jeff: Straight vodka.
BC: No, jesus juice.
Jeff: Jesus juice, oh okay. Nice, nice.
BC: Or is it Joseph Smith whiskey? Which is it?
Jeff: I don’t know, I don’t know.
BC: What was he drinking out there in the desert? Ohhh, come on. Just kiddin’ around, you know? Everyone’s just needs to be a little serious in life, okay, just a little less serious. Everybody’s getting just a little too uptight in the world right now.
Guy in crowd: Fuck you!
BC: Yeah, fuck you too, man.
Jeff: Yeah, especially Mike Byrne, this guy.
BC: Heh heh. I like to say everyone’s getting uptight and the guy yells “fuck you.” “Don’t tell me what to do, man. I’ve got a Facebook page and I’m independent. If you look at my tags on my webpage, it says ‘three, cool...and angry.’” So if you have cool angry, you get to find him. I know, shut the fuck up. Okay! This is me new song. Shockingly, we play new music at Smashing Pumpkins shows. You know, ‘cause if you’re from the ‘90s, you’re only supposed to play old music these days. Did you know that, did you get that e-mail? Did you get that e-mail?
Jeff: Um, yeah, I did, I did.
BC: But you didn’t listen, did you?
Jeff: No...I never listen.
BC: Heh heh. Listen...
Jeff: Ha!
BC: ...this band right here, we’re gonna keep going and going and going and going. All those old fans, all those old farts sitting at home, wishin’ the ‘90s would come back, they should go home and shut the fuck up. Oh wait, they’re home already, how can they go home and shut up? They should stay home and shut the fuck up, yeah! Okay, that’s the end of the concert because you don’t like my jokes and uh, I’m gonna go now. Let’s play our little end song.
Country Death Song (tease)
(BC: (singing) We wanna thank you. For bein’ here. We wanna thank you. For bein’ here. (speaking) Thank you very much, good night.)
BC: Now hold on a second, you booed that more than my Joseph Smith joke. Heh heh, alright, here we go. This is the second half of the show now. You ready there, Jeffy? You got your Grateful Dead towel? Wanna show everybody? (stoner voice) “Yeah man. Yeah, Dark Star, man.” (normal) Is that what it’s called, Dark Star?
Guy in crowd: We love you, Billy!
BC: Billy doesn’t love you. Billy doesn’t even love Billy. Hey man...you seem to like the songs I write when I’m all fucked up so, you know what I mean, come on. Should we play this one? This guy wants an autograph right in the middle of the concert! That’s all he gives a fuck about. “Just give me an autograph, I don’t care what you play, man, just give me an autograph!” I’m not gonna give you an autograph, okay? It’s not gonna happen. Okay, here we go. Deep breath. Shhhh.
Tom Tom
BC: Thank you so much for listening to those, thank you.
Stand Inside Your Love
> Tarantula
Tonight, Tonight
Cherub Rock
(BC over big ending: Thank you very much, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.)
[encore break]