The Smashing Pumpkins | |
Date | 2018-09-02 |
Venue | T-Mobile Arena |
Location | Las Vegas, NV, US |
Venue Type | Arena |
Capacity | unknown |
Lineup | Corgan, Iha, Chamberlin, Schroeder, Bates, Cole |
Order of Bands | Metric, The Smashing Pumpkins |
Surfaced Recordings | |
AUD #1 | |
Source | AUD |
Format | WAV |
Equipment | DPA 4063 > PCM-M10 |
Length | 191m |
Complete? | Yes |
Lowest Circulating Generation | WAV-M > FLAC |
Live Music Archive | 16-bit download |
Unsurfaced Recordings | |
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- Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
- Disarm
- Rocket
- Siva
- Rhinoceros
- Space Oddity [Bowie]
- Drown
- Zero
- The Everlasting Gaze
- Stand Inside Your Love
- Thirty-three
- Eye
- Soma
- Blew Away
- For Martha
- To Sheila
- Mayonaise
- Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
- Landslide [Nicks]
- Tonight, Tonight
- Stairway to Heaven [Led Zeppelin]
- N.I.B. [Black Sabbath] (tease)
- Cold Gin [Kiss] (tease)
- Bridge of Sighs [Robin Trower] (tease)
- Cherub Rock
- 1979
- Ava Adore
- Try, Try, Try
- The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
- Hummer
- Today
- Bullet with Butterfly Wings
- Muzzle
- Solara
- Baby Mine [Noyes]
Alt MCIS Intro
Disarm (Billy solo acoustic)
Space Oddity
Zero Interlude Film
(BC: Ladies, gentlemen, friends, lovers, beasts or fowl, welcome to the show. We are the illuminated, the illustrious, the ill-timed knock. (two snare drum hits) Ah yes, we are the fractured, the schisms, the rift and the rabble, the sleepy clown, the atomized downs, the dreams you stopped dreaming oh so long ago. Yes, all colors mixed and marred make up the black, as do all numbers fix up the zero, zed and null. So let’s go back to your beginnings, as I shall go back to mine. It won’t last, it’ll be quick, but then again, that’s why we’re here. No past, no future, no sun. So let’s blow on fading embers, to boast about kings near, forgotten and buried. Tis the end. Tis the end. Tis the end.)
> The Everlasting Gaze
Stand Inside Your Love
Iha: Las Vegas. Thank you, thank you so much. How are you? Are you having a reasonable time? Thank you so much for coming out, we really appreciate it. Uh, we are happy to be here and rock for you. And uh, we’re just - it’s about the fourth way through, third way through of the set, we’re just kinda cruising now, we’re gonna get into the real part of the show. Um, this is called Thirty-three.
Thirty-three (acoustic)
Vaudeville Interlude Film
(Mark McGrath: Well, hello there, neighbors. Are you enjoying the show thus far? Well, good, I am too, even though I’m not real. Now, if I could steal a moment of your time, I’d like to introduce somebody verrry special to you. He’s been a friend and a neighbor to each and every one of you. He’s been the voice you might hear in the stiiill of the night or a night dog straining against the moon. And, in fact, this young man has been with you almost every step along the way, on life’s long journey, sighing so ever soft. He’s been a lover, a fighter, but never a cad. A beacon, a searchlight piercing every impenetrable fog. And he’s here, just now, to sing for you, that golden chestnut we like to call Blew Away. So gather round, ‘cause here he is: the one, the only, Mr. Jaaaaames Iha.)
Blew Away
For Martha
BC: Thank you very much, thank you!
To Sheila
> Mayonaise
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
Landslide (acoustic)
Tonight, Tonight
short lounge interlude (most is tape but Katie plays organ live)
> Stairway to Heaven
Iha: Jackpot! We hit the jackpot with that one. You weren’t expecting it. Lady luck brought you Stairway to Heaven as done by the Smashing Pumpkins tonight. It’s crazy. Thank you so much. Uh, you guys have been awesome, thank you so much. I’d like to do a quick introduction of the band. To my left, all the way from Melbourne, Australia, on the keys, acoustic guitar, vocals, Ms. Katie Cole. Katie Cole. Katie Cole. Thank you so much. And now to my right, all the way from Manchester, England, it’s so far away from the desert here. Let’s talk about the desert. Have you ever been out there walking in the desert and there’s a gila monster, you’re having all these weird thoughts - alright, never mind. All the way from Manchester, England, Mr. Jack Bates. (Jack plays a bassline) Oh yeah! And to my right, a southern California native, from Los Angeles, California, Mr. Jeff Schroeder! (Jeff plays a riff) Spacin’, what is that? Or is that an amalgamation of Van Halen and Kiss? We should write a song later tonight on the bus, start with that. That’s, uh, inside - that’s how musicians work, just get on the bus. Alright! From Joliet, Illinois, on the motherfuckin’ drums, Mr. Jimmy Chamberlin! On guitar and sometimes backing vocals, me, Mr. James Iha, thank you. And now a man of the universe, a man of the world, on vocals, lead vocals, lead guitar, Mr. William Patrick Corgan!
Cherub Rock
Vaudeville Interlude Film
(Mark McGrath: Well, wowie zowie, papa ooh maow maow. What a wang dang and doodle of a show. And, it ain’t over yet. Now I don’t know about you but this next tune is one of my faaaaaaves. Reminds me of driving down the old PCH, high out of my mind on ecstasy and I’m singing the chorus of the song you’re about to hear so hard and so on high, that one of my front teeth fell right out! Yup, plain out right there in the dashboard. Wow. That dickens (?) just, just so good, wasn’t it? I mean, here you have young wash masters rising up to start a musical and cultural revolution that was soon co-opted by the machine and driven asunder! Gee golly. But thankfully, what we got in return was just so much better. I mean, let’s face it, who doesn’t want perfection in their stars above? ‘Cause perfect people making perfect, sweet music is, well, it’s just, it’s just what a god wants for all of us! Whoo! Red light, stop, it’s rain. The air is cool and the sky is gray and the year? Well, it’s 1979!)
Radio Intro tape
> 1979
Ava Adore
BC: Yessssss. Yessssss. Yessssss. Yessss.
Try, Try, Try
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Iha: Owwooo! Las Vegas, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You were rockin’ the desert. We thank you so much for staying with us. Let’s face it, it’s a long show. I hope you brought a granola bar or maybe a yogurt with, just to - for sustenance. But uh, thank you so much for sticking with us. And this is our last song. It’s been so fun.
BC: Thank you very much. Thank you. Like he said, to the people that are still here, thank you so much for sticking with us for this crazy...show. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. 30 years ago we started this band. I was four, James was three, Jimmy was seven.
Iha: “I wanna play music in a band!”
BC: Did you have a good time? Cool. Alright, we like to have a good time too.
Iha: That’s why we’re gonna take all the money and spend it on...red or black? Red, okay.
BC: Yep. So as James said, this is our last song, if you know the words, please sing along. We don’t talk again, we bid you adieu, god bless everyone here, thank you.
[encore break]
Baby Mine
Iha: Thank you guys so much. Thank you guys so much, you’re the best. Have a good night, get home safe.
Photos & Memorabilia