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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1996-05-03
Venue La Nave
Location Madrid, ES
Venue Type Unknown
Capacity Unknown
Lineup Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, Chamberlin
Order of Bands The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
FM #1
Source FM
Format ANA
Equipment Unknown
Length 46m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation ANA-? > CDR
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Notes Almost every song is cut off in some way by the DJs. Tape flip in Muzzle.
PRO #1a
Source TV
Format VHS
Equipment Unknown
Length 25m
Complete? No
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
YouTube YouTube
Notes 1979, Tonight Tonight, Cupid de Locke (cut), Thirty-three, and Thru the Eyes of Ruby. VHS-1 > CDR > FLAC and VHS-1 > CDR > SHN audio transfers circulate.
Unsurfaced Recordings
PRO #1
Source PRO
Format VID
Equipment Unknown
Length ~45m
Complete? Yes



  • 1979
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Cupid de Locke (false start)
  • Cupid de Locke
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  • Thirty-three
  • Muzzle
  • Mayonaise


  • acoustic show
  • only acoustic performance of Thru the Eyes of Ruby


note: annoying DJ obscures large amount of stage banter with talking, interview snippets and playing clips of studio versions of songs

Tonight, Tonight
BC: Thanks a lot. Thank you for coming.
D’arcy: Come again tomorrow night and you'll see us say the - play the same songs, only louder.
Cupid de Locke (abandoned - doesn’t get past Iha intro)
BC: Wait, hold on. Wait, hold on.
Cupid de Locke
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
BC: Um, we’d like to try a new song, try it acoustic.
Thru the Eyes of Ruby (abandoned - Billy’s guitar isn’t quite in tune)
Thru the Eyes of Ruby
D’arcy: You guys look sort of sad. ... Okay. I wanna say hello to [unintelligible].
BC: ...si, I guess in all the bullrings. Tough crowd.
Iha: It isn't that different, no. There’s not that much difference, they all respond [unintelligible].
BC: Ahhhh.
D’arcy: So it better be good.
BC: Were you waiting for this? (audience says “yes”) Alright, sorry. Heh heh, we’re on rock and roll time.
Iha: I met this guy named [unintelligible].
BC: Not much happens to us, to be honest.
D’arcy: You’re gonna have to wait longer.
BC: A lot of the same thing over and over again.
BC: This one goes out to radio land, wherever you are. I like what you’re wearing.
Iha: [unintelligible]
BC: ...Chicago, that oughta tell you something. So that’s one. Number two, um, you have to remember that when you read interviews in an art....